This class was created by Brainscape user Ngan Nguyen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Option A - Drainage basin hydrology and geomorphology
Drainage basin,
39  cards
Option A - Flooding and flood mitigation
Storm flood hydrograph,
What are the factors that could i...,
How does geology influence hydrog...
21  cards
Option A - Water scarcity and water quality
What does the level of water scar...,
What is physical water scarcity,
What is economic water scarcity
12  cards
Option A - Water management futures
What are some community level res...,
Water saving as a type of water m...,
Customer pricing as a type of wat...
15  cards
Option C - The characteristics of extreme environments
Distribution of cold environments,
Periglacial environment location,
Location of other cold environments
16  cards
Option C - Physical processes and landscapes
Cirques corries
49  cards
Option C - Managing extreme environments
Challenges of farming in arid areas
11  cards
Option C - Extreme environment futures
Causes of desertification,
What are the consequences of dese...
8  cards
Option E - Changing leisure patterns
Define leisure,
What are the factors that are res...,
How is leisure time different for...
11  cards
Option E - Tourism and sport at the local and national scale
What are hotspots,
Why are tourists attracted to the...,
What are the factors that affect ...
6  cards
Option E - Tourism and sport at the international scale
What is niche tourism,
What are the different types of n...,
What are the factors that affect ...
11  cards
Option E - Managing tourism and sport for the future
0  cards
Unit 1 - Population and economic development patterns
Reasons why an area is densely po...,
Reasons why an area is sparsely p...,
Per capita income how is it calcu...
13  cards
Unit 1 - Changing populations and places
Demographic transition model,
Natural increase,
Doubling time
15  cards
Unit 1
0  cards
Unit 2 - The causes of global climate change
What are the four layers of the e...,
What is the composition of the ea...,
13  cards
Unit 2 - The consequences of global climate change
What are the effects on the natur...,
What are the impacts of climate c...
19  cards
Unit 2 - Responding to climate change
17  cards
Unit 3 - Global trends in consumption
What is absolute poverty,
What is relative poverty,
What is income poverty
10  cards
Unit 3
0  cards
Unit 3
0  cards
Unit 4 - Global interactions and global power
Define globalisation,
What are the three main forms of ...,
The kof index of globalisation
7  cards
Unit 4
0  cards
Unit 4
0  cards
Unit 5 - Development opportunities
What are the un sustainable devel...,
Strengths of the sdgs,
Weaknesses of the sdgs
19  cards
Unit 5 - Changing identities and cultures
What are cultural traits,
What is cultural diffusion,
How does cultural diffusion take ...
12  cards

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ib geography

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