This class was created by Brainscape user Emilie Dommett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Sexual Differentiation
What is genetic sex,
Why do we need sex,
What is gonadal sex
33  cards
What is fecundity,
What is fertility,
What is fertility rate
66  cards
Ovarian Cycle
What is spinnbarkeit,
What is ferning,
Which two hypothalamic nuclei pro...
23  cards
What is demography,
What is crude birth rate,
What is the world average crude b...
7  cards
What do oviduct epithelial cells do,
When do sperm reacquire mobility,
How is oocyte moved to the ampulla
94  cards
What is puberty,
What is the definitive sign of pu...,
What is menarche
48  cards
What is the epor model for human ...,
What is excitement,
What is plateau
48  cards
What does the inner cell mass dif...,
What is the epiblast,
What is the hypoblast
102  cards
IVF and pre-natal diagnosis
How does age affect embryo outcom...,
What is the probability of achiev...,
What is the probability of pregna...
30  cards
Immunology of Pregnancy
What is fetal growth restriction ...,
What is pre eclampsia,
When is pre eclampsia most common
27  cards
What is the role of progesterone ...,
What is the role of oestrogen in ...,
What occurs to the progesterone o...
55  cards
What is the result of a decrease ...,
How does the p o ratio decrease,
What causes increased p450 c17 hy...
34  cards
Neonatal physiology and lactation
What are the stimuli to lung infl...,
What are the circulatory changes ...,
What are the main neonatal fuel r...
62  cards
What is imprinting,
What is parthenogenesis,
What is the result of a gynogenet...
38  cards
Developmental Origins of Adult Disease
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the thrifty phenotype hyp...,
What evidence supports the thrift...
5  cards
Prematurity and pre-natal medicine
How much of the respiratory syste...,
When is the pseudoglandular period,
What occurs during the pseudoglan...
28  cards
HIV and STDs
How many people currently live wi...,
What is the dominant mode of hiv ...,
What is the dominant mode of hiv ...
12  cards

More about
human reproduction

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