This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Halton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Lecture 1
An evolutionary genetic approach,
When did early humans first appear,
Clarifications and distinctions o...
19  cards
Lecture 2
The human genome,
How are males and females different,
Structure of dna and rna genetic ...
20  cards
Lecture 3
Where did humans originate,
The earliest known amh,
Linguistics phonemics
14  cards
Lecture 4
First neanderthal fossils,
Ancient dna fantasy or reality,
Svante paabo neanderthal man
17  cards
Lecture 5
Simple genetic disorders autosoma...,
Simple genetic disorders autosoma...,
Simple genetic disorders x linked...
20  cards
Lecture 6
Examples of local adaptation in o...,
Whats the challenge of trying to ...,
What was used for the first attem...
26  cards
Lecture 8
What does neolithic mean,
What does paleolithic mean,
What does mesolithic mean
20  cards
Lecture 9
What was the first evidence of amh,
An aboriginal australian genome r...,
What were the two models
22  cards
Lecture 10
Meiosis stages,
What happens when bivalents lack ...,
Why is meitotic recombination of ...
27  cards
Lecture 11
Human y chromosome,
How are the mammalian x and y dif...,
What does recombination suppressi...
22  cards
Lecture 12
Why is mutation important,
What do the differences in the ra...,
What are some methods for studyin...
18  cards
Lecture 13
What are direct to consumer genot...,
Uptake of direct to consumer comp...,
19  cards
Lecture 14
Galton and human height,
What did francis galton do,
Fisher s 1918 paper resolved the ...
22  cards

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human evolutionary genetics

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