Human Biology Year 12

This class was created by Brainscape user Tomas Gianoli. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (104)

Endocrine System
0  cards
Endocrine System
What is the endocrine system 1,
What are the main groups of hormo...,
What are the two types of hormone...
14  cards
What are hormones 1,
What are the three main groups of...,
Describe how protein and amine ho...
12  cards
Relationship between the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland - Anterior Lobe
What does the hypothalamus do 1,
What does the anterior lobe do 2,
Describe how the pituitary gland ...
8  cards
Relationship between the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland - Posterior Lobe
What does the hypothalamus do 1,
What does the posterior lobe do 2,
Describe how the posterior lobe r...
4  cards
Different Types of Hormones
What are the six hormones secrete...,
What are the two hormones secrete...,
What are the three hormones secre...
31  cards
Human Biology Textbook Question set Questions
Explain why the pituitary gland i...,
Describe the location of the thyr...,
Name two endocrine glands that de...
5  cards
Location of Endocrine Glands
Describe where the pineal gland c...,
Describe where the thyroid gland ...,
Describe where the parathyroid gl...
6  cards
Thyroid Hormones
What are the different thyroid ho...,
What are t4 and t3 attached to 2,
How are t4 and t3 made 3
7  cards
Validation one
0  cards
Type 1 Diabetes
What is type 1 diabetes also know...,
Describe the dysfunction of type ...,
What form of a condition is type ...
23  cards
Type 2 Diabetes
How else is type 2 diabetes also ...,
Describe the dysfunction of type ...,
List 5 symptoms of type 2 diabetes 3
14  cards
Describe the dysfunction of hyper...,
What is the most common form of h...,
Describe what graves disease is 3
18  cards
Describe the dysfunction of hypot...,
What is this condition referred t...,
List 5 symptoms of hypothyroidism 3
16  cards
Nervous System
0  cards
Central Nervous System
What are the two parts of the ner...,
What are the parts of the central...,
What are the three different form...
27  cards
Peripheral Nervous System
What does the peripheral nervous ...,
What is the peripheral nervous sy...,
What are the two types of nerves 3
27  cards
Structure and Functions of the brain
Cerebrum 1,
Corpus callosum 2,
Thalamus 3
12  cards
What is a reflex 1,
What are spinal reflexes 2,
Are spinal reflexes voluntary or ...
11  cards
What is a receptor 1,
What are the five different recep...,
What is a thermoreceptors stimulus 3
17  cards
What are neurons 1,
What is glial tissue 2,
What is an example of glial tissue 3
28  cards
Nerve impulses
What is a nerve impulse 1,
What is an electrical potential 2,
What is the membrane potential 3
26  cards
Transmission of Nervous impulses
Describe how a nervous impulse is...,
Describe how a nervous impulse is...,
What is the process of nerve impu...
8  cards
0  cards
What is homeostasis 1,
What are 5 processes the body reg...,
What are the six stages of the st...
14  cards
Homeostasis - Thermoregulation
What is thermoregulation 1,
What are the 4 methods of heat lo...,
What evaporation is 3
41  cards
Homeostasis - Fluid Regulation
Where are the locations where flu...,
What is extracellular fluid 2,
What is intracellular fluid 3
32  cards
Structures of the Kidney
What is the function of the renal...,
What is the function of the renal...,
What is the function of the ureth...
6  cards
Structure of the Nephron
What is the function of the glome...,
What is the function of the bowma...,
What is the function of the proxi...
8  cards
Movement of Blood in a Nephron
What are the three processes stag...,
What percentage of blood plasma i...,
What are 3 benefits of the struct...
13  cards
Homeostasis - Blood Glucose
What is the word equation of cell...,
What is the chemical equation of ...,
What is glycogen 3
22  cards
Homeostasis - Regulation of Gases
What is the function of the respi...,
Where is the respiratory centre l...,
Where are four places the respira...
29  cards
The immune system
0  cards
Define what a pathogen is 1,
What are the different types of p...,
Describe what a bacteria is 3
26  cards
Transmission of Pathogens
What are 6 methods of transmissio...,
Describe transmission by contact 2,
Describe ingestion of food or dri...
7  cards
Physical and Chemical External Defenses - Non specific defences
What are 4 external physical barr...,
What are 2 external chemical barr...,
How does the skin protect the bod...
8  cards
Protective reflexes
What is a protective reflex 1,
What are 4 examples of a protecti...,
What is the stimulus for sneezing 3
10  cards
Internal defences - Phagocytosis
What are 3 forms of internal resp...,
What are leukocytes 2,
What are the 2 types of leukocytes 3
11  cards
Internal defenses - Inflammation
What is chronic inflammation 1,
What is the purpose of inflammati...,
What are 4 signs of inflammation 3
11  cards
Internal defenses - Fever
What is a fever 1,
What causes a fever 2,
What is an example of a pyrogen 3
7  cards
Humoral and Cell mediated responses
What is the immune response 1,
What are the 2 responses of the i...,
What does the humoral response an...
27  cards
Define natural immunity 1,
Define artificial immunity 2,
Define passive immunity 3
23  cards
Factors to consider with vaccinations
What are the different factors to...,
What are 2 social factors 2,
Describe ethical concerns with te...
9  cards
Validation two
0  cards
Transmission of COVID-19 and Body's Response
What are three methods of transmi...,
Describe transmission by contact 2,
What is an example of indirect co...
10  cards
Types of COVID-19 Vaccines
What are the two types of vaccine...,
What is an mrna vaccine 2,
How do mrna vaccines work 3
9  cards
Herd Immunity and the effectiveness of restrictions
Why are masks so important for so...,
Why are isolation periods so impo...,
Why are vaccinations so important...
4  cards
Social, economical and vaccine impacts of COVID-19
Discuss the social impacts of cov...,
Discuss the economic impacts of c...,
Describe the impact of covid 19 v...
3  cards
0  cards
What is recombinant dna technology 1,
What does recombinant dna technol...,
What is recombinant dna 3
23  cards
Gene Therapy
What is gene therapy 1,
What is an example of gene therapy 2,
What does it mean for gene therap...
10  cards
Cell Replacement therapy
What is cell replacement therapy 1,
What are the 3 types of stem cells 2,
What are totipotent stem cells 3
18  cards
Synthetic Hormones
What are synthetic hormones 1,
What is type 1 diabetes 2,
What is type 2 diabetes 3
9  cards
0  cards
Define evolution 1,
Define genotype 2,
Define phenotype 3
40  cards
Conditions due to mutations
What are 2 examples of conditions...,
Describe duchenne muscular dystro...,
Describe cystic fibrosis as a con...
9  cards
Gene Pools and Changes in Allele Frequencies
Define population 1,
Define species 2,
Define geneticists 3
14  cards
Barriers of Gene Flow
Define gene flow 1,
Describe an example of gene flow 2,
What can environmental barriers l...
6  cards
Natural Selection
What are selection pressures 1,
List darwin s 3 observations 2,
Describe variation 3
13  cards
What is speciation 1,
What are the 4 steps of speciation 2,
Describe step one variation 3
6  cards
What is malaria 1,
What are 3 symptoms of malaria 2,
What is the method of transmissio...
6  cards
Sickle Cell Anaemia
What are 3 symptoms of sickle cel...,
Explain how sick cell causes comp...,
How is sickle cell anaemia inheri...
7  cards
0  cards
Fossil evidence
What is a fossil 1,
What are the types of fossils 2,
What is a petrified fossil 3
26  cards
Potassium argon dating - Absolute dating
What is dating 1,
What is absolute dating 2,
What is relative dating 3
18  cards
Radiocarbon dating - Absolute dating
What is radiocarbon dating also r...,
What is radiocarbon dating 2,
What are the 3 limitations of rad...
13  cards
Dendrochronology - Absolute dating
What is dendrochronology 1,
Up to what age can dendrochronolo...,
What can the width of a marker ri...
4  cards
Relative dating
What is stratigraphy 1,
What are the 2 ways in which stra...,
What is the principle of superpos...
12  cards
Phylogenetic Trees
What is a phylogenetic tree 1,
What other name does a phylogenet...
2  cards
Biotechnology provides Evidence for Evolution
0  cards
Polymerase chain reaction
What is a polymerase chain reacti...,
What are the 3 stages of pcr 2,
Describe the denaturing stage of ...
9  cards
Gel Electrophoresis and DNA Profiling
What is gel electrophoresis 1,
What are restriction enzymes 2,
What does gel electrophoresis cre...
4  cards
DNA Sequencing
What is dna sequencing 1,
What is the most commonly used me...,
What is the more correct naming o...
15  cards
Comparative Genomics as Biochemical Evidence
What is comparative genomics 1,
How are new genes gained 2,
How are new genes lost 3
6  cards
Endogenous Retroviruses as Biochemical Evidence
What are endogenous retroviruses ...,
How do retroviruses become a part...,
How does a retrovirus become endo...
5  cards
Mitochondrial DNA as Biochemical Evidence
What is mitochondrial dna 1,
How many genes is mitochondrial d...,
What are the functions of these g...
5  cards
Protein Sequences as Biochemical Evidence
What are proteins 1,
How many amino acids makeup prote...,
How can protein sequences be used...
7  cards
What is bioinformatics 1,
What are annotations 2,
How has bioinformatics helped wit...
3  cards
Hominid and Hominin Evolution
0  cards
Primate Evolution
What are primates 1,
List 5 general characteristics of...,
Describe the evolution of digits 5 3
14  cards
Evolutionary Trends in Hominids
List the three forms of groups in...,
What does the family group includ...,
What does the subfamily group inc...
39  cards
Australopithecus afaernsis
What is the estimated size of the...,
What was the height of female aus...,
What was the height of male austr...
7  cards
Australopithecus africanus
What is the estimated size of the...,
When did the australopithecus afr...,
Where did the australopithecus af...
7  cards
Homo habilis
What was the estimated size of th...,
When did the homo habilis exist 2,
Where did the homo habilis exist 3
7  cards
Paranthropus robustus
What is the estimated size of the...,
When did the paranthropus robustu...,
Where did the paranthropus robust...
7  cards
Homo erectus
What is the estimated size of the...,
When did the homo erectus exist 2,
Where did the homo erectus exist 3
6  cards
Homo neanderthalensis
What is the estimated size of the...,
When did the homo neanderthalensi...,
Where did the homo neanderthalens...
7  cards
Homo sapiens
What is the estimated size of the...,
When did the homo sapiens exist 2,
Where did the homo sapiens exist 3
7  cards
Cultural evolution
0  cards
Tool culture
What is cultural evolution 1,
What are the 5 trends in tools 2,
What are the 3 phases of cultural...
3  cards
Uses of fire
When did humans begin using fire ...,
When did humans begin using fire ...,
When did humans begin using fire ...
5  cards
Hunting Big Game
What is hunting big game 1,
What 5 requirements were needed i...,
What may have early humans used t...
3  cards
Tools used by Homo habilis
What phase of tool culture were h...,
When did these tools first appear 2,
Where were these tools found 3
6  cards
Tools used by Homo erectus
What phase of tool culture were h...,
When did these tools first appear 2,
What cultural period were homo er...
6  cards
Tools used by Homo neanderthalensis
What phase of tool culture were h...,
When did these tools first appear 2,
Where were these tools found 3
6  cards
Tools used by Cro-Magnon peoples (Early Homo sapiens)
What 3 phases of tool culture wer...,
What are cro magnon people 2,
What cultural periods did the cro...
14  cards
Tools used by Modern Homo sapiens
What phases of tool culture were ...,
When did tools from the mesolithi...,
Where were tools from the mesolit...
8  cards
Tool Making Techniques
What are the 5 methods of tool ma...,
What is hard hammer percussion 2,
Who used hard hammer percussion 3
14  cards
Mock Exam
0  cards
Nervous System
What can pain receptors also be c...,
How are nociceptors different fro...
2  cards
Immune System
What are two things that seasonin...,
Compare and contrast the two spec...
2  cards
What are the advantages of the ad...,
What are the disadvantages of the...
2  cards
Sickle Cell Anaemia and Biotechnology
Why can gene therapy be a positiv...,
Why can gene therapy be a negativ...
2  cards
What feature is only present in t...,
What 5 cultural aspects of the cr...
2  cards

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Human Biology Year 12

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