This class was created by Brainscape user Gavin Brennan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

Yr 11: Economic Growth & Development
Gross domestic product is,
Economic growth is,
Economic development is
49  cards
Yr 11: Globalisation & Market Failures
Globalisation refers to,
What is an import,
What is an export
37  cards
Yr 11: Inequality & Unemployment
The biggest 2 sources of income i...,
The biggest 3 types of welfare in...,
How do you calculate the unemploy...
65  cards
Yr 11: Fiscal Policy
What is fiscal policy,
What are the 3 budget outcomes,
What are the 3 fiscal stances
32  cards
Yr 11: Monetary Policy, Inflation & the AUD
What is monetary policy,
What is the rba s objective of mo...,
What is the cash rate
49  cards
Yr 11: Monetary Policy, Inflation & the AUD (Concepts)
What was the cash rate prior to t...,
What did the rba change the cash ...,
What did the rba change the cash ...
26  cards
Yr 11: Micro and Environmental Policies
What are microeconomic policies,
How do microeconomic policies inc...,
What are 3 examples of deregulati...
23  cards
What is globalisation,
What is gross world product,
What are the main causes indicato...
21  cards
Effects of Free Trade and Protection
What is free trade,
What is trade liberalisation,
What are 4 benefits of free trade...
42  cards
Globalisation and Effects of Free Trade: Concepts
To what extent has global trade i...,
To what extent has transport tech...,
In what ways does communication t...
21  cards
Trade Agreements and Protection: Basics
What are five types of protection,
What are the effects of a tariff,
What are the effects of a subsidy
22  cards
Trade Agreements and Protection: Concepts
Why do some economists argue that...,
Why do some economists argue that...,
What is a trade bloc
22  cards
China: Basics
What policies have the chinese go...,
Apart from trade and investment w...,
To what extent has china been imp...
18  cards
China: Concepts
When did the chinese government s...,
Why is the chinese government cur...,
State 2 statistics showing the su...
13  cards
Australia's Trade Policies
What is protection,
What are the 5 main types of prot...,
How do australia s protectionist ...
30  cards
Australia's Trade & Financial Flows: Basics
Name the stages of the mining boo...,
In what year did the mining inves...,
What has happened to commodity pr...
34  cards
Australia's Trade & Financial Flows: Concepts
Why did the mining boom happen,
Why did mining production only in...,
Why does australia import a lot o...
14  cards
Exchange Rates: Basics
What is the trade weighted index,
Why is the twi a more useful meas...,
What are 3 types of exchange rates
16  cards
Exchange Rates: Concepts
How could the aud appreciate agai...,
How can a government peg its curr...,
How does a floating exchange rate...
16  cards
Balance of Payments: What Goes Where
Interest where on the bop,
Dividends where on the bop,
Trade of services where on the bop
18  cards
Balance of Payments: Concepts
Why does the balance of payments ...,
What is the relationship between ...,
How would an improvement in inter...
35  cards
External Stability
What is external stability,
What are 6 indicators of an econo...,
What are 2 main trends in austral...
12  cards
Economic Growth: Basics
What is economic growth,
Gdp will only increase if either,
What is aggregate demand
29  cards
Economic Growth: Concepts
What are the two biggest componen...,
What is okun s law,
According to okun s law and resea...
22  cards
Distribution of Income and Wealth: Basics
What is income,
What is wealth,
The lower the gini coefficient
36  cards
Distribution of Income and Wealth: Concepts
The richest 20 of australians ear...,
The wealthiest 20 of australians ...,
The 2 biggest sources of income i...
19  cards
Inflation: Basics
What is inflation,
How is inflation calculated,
What is the cpi
28  cards
Inflation: Concepts
Inflation in year 1 is 2 and infl...,
Inflation in year 1 is 1 and infl...,
What does it mean if headline inf...
16  cards
Unemployment: Basics
What is the definition of being u...,
What is the working age population,
What is the labour force
30  cards
Unemployment: Concepts
What would happen to the particip...,
What would happen to the particip...,
What would happen to the particip...
28  cards
Environmental Sustainability
What is ecologically sustainable ...,
What is a market failure,
What is a public good
33  cards
Economic Policy Objectives and Conflicts
How can we evaluate australia s l...,
How can we evaluate australia s l...,
How can we evaluate australia s l...
27  cards
Fiscal Policy: Basics
What is the rationale of fiscal p...,
The australian government s budge...,
The australian government s budge...
24  cards
Fiscal Policy: Concepts
Why is the budget considered an a...,
What is the crowding out effect,
Why is a budget deficit risky for...
12  cards
Monetary Policy
What is monetary policy,
What is the rationale for monetar...,
How does monetary policy control ...
25  cards
Microeconomic Reform: Basics
What is the rationale for microec...,
What is meant by improving effici...,
What is aggregate supply
19  cards
Microeconomic Reform: Concepts
List the effects of the australia...,
What are some recent microeconomi...,
What is the effects test
19  cards
Labour Market Policies
All contracts in australia must meet,
Which of the following is not a n...,
Which of the following is not a n...
27  cards

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hsc economics

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