(history) women & civil rights 1865-1992

This class was created by Brainscape user Bea George. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

key info/dates - up until WW1
notes from summary textbook - for feb mini
20  cards
key info/dates - up until WW2
from summary textbook - for feb mini
21  cards
key info/dates - rise of feminism/opponents (1960s-90s)
from summary textbook - for feb mini
20  cards
key info/dates - changing economic/employment opportunities
from summary textbook - for feb mini
24  cards
OCR textbook - key dates
13  cards
OCR textbook - position of women in 1865
Women in public affairs prior to ...,
Political participation in 1865 o...,
Sojourner truth
8  cards
OCR textbook - campaign for political rights (1) 1865-1900
Wctu in 1880
21  cards
OCR textbook - campaign for political rights (2) 1900-1930
Who was the leader of nawsa that ...,
Carrie chapman catt,
Which states gave women the right...
24  cards
OCR textbook - campaign for political rights (3) new deal
Employment opportunities for wome...,
How many women were involved over...,
Political changes
8  cards
OCR textbook - campaign for political rights (4) WW2
Main changes,
Describe the propaganda used for ...,
How many women increased in state...
19  cards
OCR textbook - campaign for political rights 1960-92
Aim of now,
What had these new aims eg now em...
37  cards
OCR textbook - main developments of social/economic change 1865-1992
Women work after 1865 change,
Statistics to support expansion o...,
Percentage of women workers as do...
41  cards
OCR textbook - key debate 1: what was the extent of the impact of industrialisation of the gilded age on women
0  cards
OCR textbook - key debate 2: how far did the new deal improve the economic status & position of women
0  cards
OCR textbook - key debate 3: what was the relationship between black power & women's rights
0  cards

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(history) women & civil rights 1865-1992

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