This class was created by Brainscape user sophia yu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Fort Laramie Treaty 1868
What year was the flt,
What and when was the red clouds war,
What did the red clouds war lead to
7  cards
Extermination of the Buffalo 1860+
Why did the us government begin t...,
How many buffalo were exterminate...,
What does the term nomadic lifest...
9  cards
The Exoduster Movement 1879
When was the exoduster movement,
What was the exoduster movement,
Who led the exoduster movement wh...
10  cards
The Dawes Act 1887
What year was the dawes act,
Why was the dawes act introduced ...,
What was the dawes act
9  cards
The change of cowboy lives 1880
What was the role of cowboys orig...,
What development caused the cowbo...,
What 5 aspects of their work changed
6  cards
The Mormon Migration 1846/7
When was the mormon migration,
Who was the leader of the mormans...,
What was the mormans ideal land
9  cards
Transcontinental railroad
When was the pacific railroad act,
When was the transcontinental rai...,
What was the transcontinental rai...
6  cards
Horses + Plains Indians
What are 4 examples of indian tribes,
Why were horses key to nomadic li...,
Why were horses key to warrior cu...
5  cards
Rise of the cattle industry
When was the end of the civil war,
After the civil war of 1865 how m...,
What was the end of the civil war...
13  cards
Developments in farming
When did farming start,
How much money was needed to star...,
When was barbed wire invented
14  cards
Iliff and the cattle industry
Who was john iliff,
What was john iliffs idea,
Where did iliff buy a ranch land
6  cards

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history - american west

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