history: american west!!!!!

This class was created by Brainscape user Zak Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1.2 Part 2
Who were the mormons,
What happened in 1845 illinois,
Explain the actions of 1846 reach...
10  cards
Conflict With Plain Indians(1862-1868)
What started the little crow war,
What was the consequence of lakot...
2  cards
The Sand Creek Massacre
What lead to the sand creek massa...,
What did black kettle try to do t...,
What was the consequence of black...
4  cards
Red Clouds War
What lead to the red clouds war,
What were the consequence of the ...
2  cards
American West 1.1
What were the plain indian s beli...,
What were the plain indians belie...,
What where the plain indians beli...
25  cards
2.2 American West
What did joseph mccoy do,
Why was joseph mccoy successful,
What was the texan cattle industr...
17  cards
3.3The Destruction If The Plain Indians Way Of Life
How did buffalo get exterminated,
How did the education system chan...,
What was the dawes act in 1887 about
11  cards
Americam West 1.2
What was the ecenomic crises like...,
What was oregon like,
What was the oregon trail
9  cards
American West 2.1
What and when was the american ci...,
What where the consequences of th...,
What were the two important laws ...
24  cards
American west 1.3
Why did white settlers fear plain...,
What views did white settelers ha...,
Why did the plain indians experie...
29  cards
Anerican West 3.2
Who was billy the kid,
What happened with billy the kid ...,
How did people react to billy the...
21  cards
3.1 Changes In Farmi No, ?
How did southern states react to ...,
What is sharecropping,
What caused the ecosystem movemen...
11  cards
2.3 American west
What were the consequences of rai...,
What were the consequences of cat...,
What were the consequences of gol...
9  cards

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history: american west!!!!!

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