history a level - cold war

This class was created by Brainscape user Josh Marsh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

US, British and USSR relations in 1945 (1)
How did ideology affect the ocw,
Decisions made at yalta,
Problems at yalta
8  cards
Developing Tensions leading up to 1948 (2)
Soviet fears concerning poland,
How was the polish government org...,
How did hungary become a satellit...
14  cards
The USA's involvement in Europe (3)
What role did william clayton pla...,
Who was acheson,
What was the usas attitude to bri...
12  cards
Conflict over Germany 1947-49 (4)
What was happening politically wi...,
How was the american zone run,
What were lucius clays policies
16  cards
US containment in Asia (5)
What was scap,
How did japans rehabilitation start,
Why did the us need a reverse cou...
12  cards
The Korean War (6)
Background of korea,
The north and south leaders and t...,
Ussrs influence in the war
9  cards
Increasing Cold War tensions (7)
Who were the rosenbergs,
What was the un american activiti...,
What was hoovers influence
9  cards
Alliances and shifts (8)
Trumans view on alliances,
6  cards
Khrushchev and East-West relations, 1955-1960 (9)
Khrushchevs views of the satellit...,
Polish uprising,
Hungary uprising
10  cards
Cold War rivalries 1955-63 (10)
When did the powers have hydrogen...,
What was sac,
What was the cause for eisenhower...
10  cards
Conflict in Asia 1955-1963 (11)
Consolidation of socialism in nor...,
How did the north plan to create ...,
Situation in south vietnam
9  cards
Confrontation between the superpowers (12)
Background of the castro regime,
Castros move towards communism an...,
Bay of pigs
8  cards
Confrontation in the Vietnam War (13)
Johnson views of vietnam,
Gulf of tonkin incident and resol...,
Increasing problems for the usa
13  cards
President Nixon's policies in Vietnam (14)
Nixons views of vietnam,
Dual intent,
Nixon three main policies in his ...
17  cards
Cooperation (15)
What were khrushchev s post cuban...,
What were khrushchev s attitude t...,
What was kennedys view after the ...
7  cards
Pressures on the USSR (16)
Khrushchevs removal,
Causes of the prague spring,
Success of western society
14  cards
The USA and Southeast Asia (17)
Paris peace agreement 1973,
Northern victory,
Us support in cambodia
7  cards
The extent of détente up to 1979 (18)
Salt 1 treaties,
Outcome of salt 1,
What happened at the moscow summit
15  cards
The Second Cold War (19)
Preliminary situation in afghanistan,
Soviet problems with the pdpa,
Soviet interests in afghanistan
16  cards
Developments in Africa and the Americas (20)
Relations with cuba,
Situation in angola,
Factions within angola
17  cards
Gorbachev and the ending of the Cold War (21)
Example of technological gulf bet...,
Problems with the brezhnev era,
Gorbachevs views of the soviet un...
15  cards
The summits between the USA and the USSR?
Changes in gorbachevs thinking,
Overview of geneva summit,
Successes of geneva summit
14  cards
The collapse of communism in the Eastern European satellite states (23)
Changes in soviet eastern europe ...,
Problems in poland,
Rise of solidarity fall of poland
14  cards
The ending of Cold War tensions (24)
Ending of cold war tensions in af...,
Ending of cold war tensions in th...,
Easing of cold war tensions in ni...
16  cards

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history a level - cold war

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