This class was created by Brainscape user Adams Bruce Al-os. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Urinary System(handout based)
Longitudinal elevation of mesoderm,
When does the development of urin...,
What forms the urinary system
89  cards
Urinary System(book Based)
A glycoprotein that stimulates th...,
A protease that participates in t...,
Active form of the vitamin d whic...
103  cards
Urinary System(manual based)
Two parts of the kidney,
Lamina propia of kidney s capsule,
Shape of renal corpuscles
45  cards
Urinary System (additional)
Numerous radiating dark lines fro...,
Compact mass of uniferous tubule,
Straight portions of the uniferou...
6  cards
Chapter 6: Special Senses
Special senses,
General senses,
70 of all sensory receptors are i...
109  cards
Chapter 6: Endocrine System
Influences the metabolic processe...,
Are scattered throughout the body,
The glands are _______ thus hormo...
204  cards
Repro: Female
Function of female rs produce fem...,
Consist of two ovaries oviducts u...,
Function of female rs provide env...
293  cards
Repro: Male
For production of hormones and sp...,
Consists of testes genital ducts ...,
Main male reproductive hormone
119  cards
Finals: Random Systems
C cartilage in shape,
Affected by glumerulonephritis,
Fish eye
80  cards
Repro: Male Epithelium
Lining epithelium of rete testis,
Lining epithelium of tubuli recti,
Lining epithelium of ductuli effe...
7  cards
Finals: Blood
Rouleaux formation is commonly se...,
A macrophage originates from what...,
What cell in the bone marrow is t...
50  cards
Finals: Circulatory System
What is the cell that lies close ...,
What cell type lines the natural ...,
What heart wall layer is mostly c...
37  cards
Finals: Connective Tissue
A so called cart wheel nucleus is...,
Hyaline elastic cartilage contain...,
What connective tissue fibers are...
27  cards
Finals: Digestive & Skin
What part of the stomach has deep...,
What cell in the liver actives ph...,
What type of salivatory gland con...
38  cards
Finals: Supportive Tissue
What inner ct lines compact bone,
Compact bone is a vascular struct...,
What is the crystalline structure...
32  cards
Finals: Urinary System
The afferent arteriole ends in wh...,
The glomerulus bowman s capsule c...,
A brush border is observed in wha...
28  cards
Finals: Epithelium
What cell type may be observed in...,
What type of epithelium lines the...,
What tissue lines the peritoneal ...
18  cards
Finals: Eyes
What fluid drains from the eye th...,
The ciliary body is continuous to...,
What structure just lie below the...
28  cards
Finals: Female Repro
Where does fertilization takes place,
What structure does the corpora a...,
What structure supplies blood to ...
29  cards
Repro: Female Epithelium
Lining epithelium of uterus,
Lining epithelium of uterine tube,
Lining epithelium of mesothelium
8  cards
Finals: Immune System
What fiber provides support for l...,
What lymphatic organ does not con...,
What type of epithelium lines the...
55  cards
Finals: Ear
What ossicle is connected to the ...,
What is the most probable source ...,
What structure is associated with...
34  cards
Finals: Endocrine System
Zinc is associated with the stora...,
Where are pituicytes located,
Another name for anterior pituitary
40  cards
Finals: Repro Male
What structure drains the seminal...,
Where is the colliculus seminalis...,
Movement of the testis is associa...
27  cards
Finals: Muscle
A t tubule surround what cellular...,
What type of muscle is incapable ...,
What morphologic structure lies w...
23  cards
Finals: Nervous System
Where in the neuron are neurotran...,
Protoplasmic astrocytes are locat...,
What structure has extrafusal mus...
20  cards
Finals: Respiratory System
Terminal bronchioles are part of ...,
What cell secretes surfactant,
Complete name for respi epithelium
22  cards
Finals: Merge
Where are the av shunt located,
What layer is greatly thickened i...,
What structure is responsible for...
29  cards

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