higher business

This class was created by Brainscape user Marcy Docherty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (44)

Sectors Of Industry
What is the primary sector,
What is the secondary sector,
What is the tertiary service sector
26  cards
0  cards
What is internet used for,
What is video conferencing,
What is emails
7  cards
Styles of Leadership
What s the the three types of lea...,
What does autocratic mean,
What are the advantages of autocr...
11  cards
What are legislations who s manag...,
What can happen if the business f...,
What does the equity act 2010 rep...
9  cards
Industrial Relations
If a manager fails to establish s...,
Why can industrial actions harm a...,
How can industrial action effect ...
10  cards
Motivated staff is important as,
What is time rate,
What is piece rate
33  cards
What is traditional appraisals,
What is peer to peer appraisal,
What is 369 appraisal
9  cards
What is the purpose of ratio anal...,
What are the three types of ratios,
What are the three types of ratios
34  cards
What are spreadsheets,
What s the benefits of spreadsheet,
What is accounting software sage ...
6  cards
Financial Statements
What s does the statement of fina...,
How is a statement of financial p...,
What are fixed assets
13  cards
What is training,
What is on the job training,
What is off the job training
21  cards
People - recruitment
What is internal recruitment,
What is external recruitment,
What are the cost of internal rec...
17  cards
Financial Information
What is financial information,
Why need or use financial informa...,
Who uses or needs financial infor...
14  cards
Cash Budgeting
12  cards
Sources of finance
Why might a business need finance,
What will the source of finance d...
37  cards
Cash Flow
Why does cash flow mean,
Why is cash flow important,
Cash flow problems
3  cards
What s the role of the finance de...,
What s the limitations of the rol...
2  cards
Sectors Of Economy
What is the role of a business,
What is an objective,
What three sections do uk economy...
55  cards
What is the definition of objectives,
Business will share similar objec...,
Business will have different obje...
15  cards
Why do business want to grow,
What is internal method of growth,
What are the internal methods of ...
47  cards
Internal and External Influences
What are internal factors,
Who have control over internal fa...,
What are the 4 internal factors
66  cards
Decision Making
What are the 3 types of decision ...,
What are operational decisions,
What are operational decisions ma...
41  cards
What does an organisation chart d...,
What is an informal structure,
What 6 factors affect the organis...
28  cards
Activities can be organised in wh...,
What problems to grouping activit...,
What is functional grouping
22  cards
What is a stakeholder,
What can a stakeholder be,
What kind of people are intereste...
20  cards
The role of the marketing department
What is the role of marketing dep...,
What are the three sections of th...,
What are the marketing segments
26  cards
market research
What does market research involve,
What is the aim of market research,
What does market research look at
57  cards
Market Mix - Product
What are the seven ps,
Why must marketing mixed be used,
What does market mix ensure
39  cards
Market Mix - Price
What factors affect price,
What are the pricing strategies,
What is cost plus pricing strategy
13  cards
Market Mix - Place
What is place,
What must be considered when deci...,
What are the 4 channels of distri...
17  cards
Market Mix - Promotion
What is promotion,
What is promotion all about,
What are the factors affecting pr...
16  cards
Public Relations
What is public relations,
If a business is large what pr wi...,
What are public relation activities
3  cards
Market Mix - Extended
What are the three extended ps in...,
What are people,
What must a business do to ensure...
8  cards
Ethical Marketing
When advertising what must a busi...,
What is ethics what is law,
What can build a positive custome...
7  cards
What does using technology allow,
What are examples of technology u...,
Why is e commerce important
4  cards
What is operations,
What des the operation department do,
What is the operating system
6  cards
Just In Time
What is just in time,
Just in time only works when,
Why is timing crucial when using ...
8  cards
What must a business do before st...,
What factors must be considered w...
2  cards
Inventory Managment
What is one of the most important...,
What can too much stock mean,
What can to little stock mean
16  cards
Storage of Stock
Type of storage depends on what,
What are the two types of inventory,
What does centralised storage inv...
8  cards
What logistical management,
What are the methods of distribution,
What are the advantages of road d...
34  cards
Why is quality important,
What two methods can a business u...,
What is quality control
22  cards
Ethical and Environmental Production
What should a business do in term...,
What are the examples of ethics,
What are the advantages of being ...
19  cards

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higher business

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