This class was created by Brainscape user Jon Barnard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Products of the second pharyngeal...,
Products of the first pharyngeal ...,
Products of the third pharyngeal ...
29  cards
Pathology - Tumours Of Infancy & Childhood
What are some examples of hamartomas,
Define a hamartoma,
Name the 4 more common benign tum...
24  cards
Pathology - Environmental Disease
Polycyclic hydrocarbons benzopyre...,
What kind of drug is nicotine,
Which cancers does smoking contri...
19  cards
Pathology - Infectious Disease
Gram positive bacteria have what ...,
Gram negative bacteria have what ...,
Most bacteria in the body are whe...
55  cards
Pathology - Blood Vessles
List the vasoconstrictors that de...,
Define hypertension,
List the vasodilators that determ...
30  cards
Pathology - WBCs
Characteristic features of haemat...,
Besides congenital immunodeficien...,
What is the most common form caus...
40  cards
Pathology - RBC
Macrocytic anaemias suggest,
Microcystic hypochromic anaemias ...,
Release of new rbc in acute blood...
37  cards
Pathology - Resp
List 6 causes of ali or ards,
What are heart failure cells,
Overall mortality rate in ards co...
37  cards
Pathology - Gastro
What is the most common form of c...,
Which type of oesophagotracheal f...,
What is the difference between om...
58  cards
Pathology - Liver and Pancreas
What is hepatorenal syndrome,
How much function does the liver ...,
What is hepatopulmonary syndrome
63  cards
Pathology - Kidney
Why is atn important,
What is atn,
What are the five causative categ...
27  cards
Pathology - LUT
What are the histological feature...,
What is the major determinant of ...,
What are the histological feature...
56  cards
Pathology - Breast
Germ line mutations underlie what...,
What are the major risk factors f...,
What proportion of breast cancers...
26  cards
Pathology - Thyroid and PTH
Treatments for hyperthyroidism in...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common cause of ...
36  cards
Pathology - Endo
Where does the posterior pituitar...,
Name the 5 basic anterior pituita...,
What is the most common cause of ...
49  cards
Pathology - Skin and Eye
What is the end game for a naevus,
What are the different types of m...,
What are the most consistent clin...
19  cards
Pathology - General
How is rg colour blindness inherited,
What is onchronosis,
What is melanosis coli
10  cards

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gsse pathology

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