This class was created by Brainscape user Jayden Endean. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Key words
Economy of scale
31  cards
Toyota and Shell
Give some background to toyota,
Describe the management of the tn...,
Describe the scale of the horizon...
29  cards
2.1. The impacts of globalisation on China & the UK
Social benefits of globalisation ...,
Social benefits of globalisation ...,
Social benefits of globalisation ...
31  cards
1. Processes of globalisation
What is the definition of globali...,
Describe economic globalisation,
Describe cultural globalisation
8  cards
2.2. the development gap
Increasing development gap,
Increasing development gap how is...,
Increasing development gap how is...
10  cards
3. Spatial and organisational structures of TNCs
Give an example of a horizontal a...,
Why can toyota be described as a ...,
Why can horizontal management be ...
12  cards
4. Impacts of TNCs on countries at either end of the development continuum
Benefits of shell in nigeria,
Benefits of shell in nigeria what...,
Benefits of shell in nigeria what...
17  cards
6. Management of globalisation - China
What is a management technique fo...,
Evaluate the success,
What is a management technique fo...
18  cards
Intro content describe the coloni...,
Intro content what initiates the ...,
Intro content what figures show h...
21  cards
What is,
What is conditional tied aid,
Describe charitable aid
37  cards
Data Presentation
What are the strengths of chi squ...,
What are the weaknesses of chi sq...,
Chi squared was it a primary seco...
37  cards

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