German Vocab A1-A2

This class was created by Brainscape user Lelaina Beauregard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (145)

German Adjectives
Kurz 1,
Lang 2,
Glatt 3
57  cards
Summer vocab
It is summer 1,
The sun 2,
The sun shines 3
22  cards
Dative adjectives
I am hot cold warm 1,
I am bored 2,
I am sick feel bad 3
7  cards
Dative personal pronouns
You 1,
Me 2,
Him it 3
8  cards
Accusative personal pronouns
You 1,
Me 2,
Him 3
9  cards
Nominative personal pronouns
I 1,
You 2,
He 3
9  cards
Picnic vocab
The picnic 1,
The picnic basket 2,
To pack food 3
37  cards
Registration vocab
The authority 1,
The administration 2,
The doorman 3
38  cards
Verbs whose noun versions end in -ung
All the plural of these nouns are formed by ending -en onto the end of the noun.
13  cards
the verb kommen
I come 1,
You come 2,
It she he comes 3
6  cards
the verb heißen and vocab of introducing yourself
What is your name what are you ca...,
My name is i am called 2,
Who are you 3
12  cards
the verb sprechen and languages
Note that all languages are capitalized in german.
17  cards
Goodbye greetings
Bye 1,
See you tomorrow 2,
See you later 3
8  cards
Numbers 0-10
0 1,
1 2,
2 3
11  cards
Apologizing and airport vocab
Excuse me 1,
I need help 2,
I need a card 3
30  cards
Food and Cooking vocab
The cook book 1,
The recipe 2,
The ingredient 3
34  cards
Money vocab
The atm 1,
The wallet 2,
The purse 3
33  cards
Dative verbs
To bring 1,
To suggest 2,
To explain 3
12  cards
Movie vocab
The movie 1,
The genre 2,
The action movie 3
60  cards
Things to do on the weekend vocab
The club 1,
The concert 2,
The museum 3
27  cards
Subjunctive ll of "können"
I could 1,
He she it could 2,
You could 3
6  cards
Tech vocab
The device 1,
The router 2,
The internet connection 3
17  cards
customer service vocab
The telephone company bobbi is ca...,
The customer client bobbi is a cl...,
The telephone line all lines are ...
15  cards
nach + Lokaladverb
She is upstairs 1,
She is outside 2,
She is inside 3
8  cards
Music vocab
The music do you like to listen t...,
The song do you have a favorite s...,
The lyrics die arzte have funny l...
35  cards
The Verb "sein"
I am 1,
You are 2,
He she it is 3
10  cards
Country Names/Where do you live?
True or false most country names ...,
Masculin country names iraq iran ...,
Feminine country names switzerlan...
26  cards
concert vocab
The concert they go to a concert 1,
The concert hall 2,
The concert ticket the tickets ar...
10  cards
Vocab with "los"
Let s go 1,
Let s start 2,
The concert is about to start 3
19  cards
Appointment vocab
The appointment ex could we arran...,
To make an appointment 2,
Confirm an appointment 3
5  cards
Hospital vocab
The accident 1,
The emergency 2,
The emergency number 112 3
18  cards
Body parts vocab and expressing pain
The human being person 1,
The body 2,
The body part 3
33  cards
the verb "wehtun" and how to conjugate "tun"
I do 1,
You do 2,
He she it does 3
7  cards
the verb "werden"
Werden is used in the present ten...,
I will 2,
You will 3
7  cards
injury vocab
The injury 1,
To injure 2,
To be unharmed uninjured 3
31  cards
Numbers 11-20 & Paying for things
Are you paying cash or by card 1,
Eleven 2,
Twelve 3
14  cards
Basic Questions / Reservations
I have a reservation 1,
How are you 2,
I am good and you 3
7  cards
Hotel Words
Where is my room 1,
The reception 2,
The room 3
10  cards
Expressing concern vocab
Oh dear what happened i had an ac...,
What is wrong with you i am hurt 2,
Were you worried of course i was ...
10  cards
Book vocab
The novel 1,
The audio book 2,
The cookbook 3
38  cards
Verb "Haben"
To have 1,
I have 2,
You have 3
7  cards
Shops/Pharmacy - Definite and Indefinite Articles
Is there a pharmacy here 1,
The pharmacy 2,
The bakery 3
12  cards
Fruits and Vegetables
I d like strawberries 1,
The strawberry strawberries 2,
The apple apples 3
13  cards
Prices, Negative Articles, Numbers 21-100
That s not bread 1,
Singular how much does this bread...,
Plural how much are the cookies t...
22  cards
traveling and flying vocab
To pack marie is packing the suit...,
To pack in to unpack she packs he...,
To fly marie flies to germany 3
21  cards
Doubting something vocab
For real yes for real 1,
Seriously yes seriously 2,
Really yes really 3
7  cards
Refusing something and sleeping vocab
That s not possible at all 1,
No way 2,
You must be crazy 3
25  cards
Things in a flea market and forms of objects
The flea market 1,
The booth 2,
The vendor 3
19  cards
Sausage Types, Sales Talk
Do you mean chicken breast 1,
Frying sausage 2,
Curry sausage 3
35  cards
Jewelry and material vocab
The ring 1,
The necklace 2,
The pendent 3
18  cards
Negotiating a price vocab
I am looking for a bike 1,
I have a used ladies bicycle for ...,
How much does it cost 3
16  cards
Sports vocab
The sport i play do play sports 1,
The fitness my fitness is good 2,
To be fit i am fit 3
28  cards
Reflexive pronouns and verbs and more sports vocab
Reflexive pronouns always indicat...,
I reflexive 2,
You reflexive 3
51  cards
The verb "sollen"
I should 1,
You should 2,
He she it should 3
6  cards
Healthy and unhealthy lifestyle vocab
Exercise exercise is good for the...,
To keep fit i keep fit by exercis...,
To eat healthy i eat healthy 3
20  cards
Bathroom vocab
The bath the bathroom 1,
The bath tub 2,
The shower 3
25  cards
Activities in the bathroom vocab
To wash hands 1,
To bathe i bathe i bathe myself 2,
To take a bath she takes a bath 3
12  cards
Reflexive pronouns in the dative with accusative objects
If a reflexive verb is given an a...,
I reflexive dative 2,
You reflexive dative 3
20  cards
"Lassen" as an auxiliary verb
I let 1,
You let 2,
He she it let 3
7  cards
Hair vocab
The hairdresser katie is gogo s h...,
The hairstyle gogo wants a new ha...,
The haircut he wants a modern hai...
16  cards
Subjunctive ll of "haben"
I would like to have 1,
You would like to have 2,
He she it would like to have 3
6  cards
Subjunctive ll of "sein:
I would like to be 1,
You would like to be 2,
He she it would like to be 3
6  cards
Talking about work vocab
The work bobbi has a lot of work 1,
To work as he works as a computer...,
To be employed to be busy two mea...
40  cards
subjunctive ll of "werden"
I would like to 1,
You would like to 2,
He she it would like to 3
7  cards
blogger / youtuber vocab
The blog marie is writing travel ...,
The blogger she is a blogger 2,
To blog blogging is her job 3
20  cards
Trip/vacation, cardinal points, and landscape vocab
The trip the wg living community ...,
To travel you would like to trave...,
The travel plan they make a trave...
38  cards
Local prepositions with landscapes
An auf and in are only used with ...,
An is strictly used for going to ...,
Auf is used for going to rural re...
7  cards
Book accommodation vocab
The accommodation on the internet...,
The overnight stay to stay overni...,
The hotel the hotel has three sta...
21  cards
Renting a car vocab
The vehicle vehicles are mobile m...,
The car die karre is slang bobbi ...,
The car shall we rent a car 3
16  cards
About the car vocab
The wheel 1,
The tire 2,
The trunk 3
16  cards
Odd colors
Pink 1,
Purple 2,
Orange 3
11  cards
On the street / driving vocab
The trip drive they are having a ...,
The traffic bobbi must pay attent...,
The intersection there are many t...
43  cards
Bank vocab
The bank they go to the bank 1,
The branch the bank has many bran...,
The atm cash machine the atms are...
18  cards
Bank account vocab
The account i have several accoun...,
The savings account with a saving...,
The checking account the checking...
24  cards
Adjectives with the dative
Cold warm are you all cold warm y...,
Feel bad sick katie ate too much ...,
Don t care i don t care about tha...
8  cards
Small talk vocab
The weather the sun is shining to...,
The family do you have siblings y...,
The work what is your profession ...
5  cards
Verbs with gehen + infinitive
To go hiking 1,
To go climbing 2,
To go to work 3
9  cards
Verbs with ending in "-ern"
Most verbs that end in ern are co...,
I hike 2,
You hike 3
7  cards
Giving compliments / flirting vocab
Violets are beautiful just like y...,
Beautiful women like you 2,
And the way you smile gorgeous 3
24  cards
Verbs that end in "-eln"
I smile 1,
You smile 2,
He she it smiles 3
7  cards
Expressing thoughts and feelings with "dass"
I thought think that 1,
I believe that 2,
I know that 3
12  cards
French words in german
The chance the opportunity 1,
To be charming being chanted amia...,
The cream 3
10  cards
Are you a programmer 1,
Is this spot still free 2,
Professions 3
26  cards
The verb mögen in the simple past
I liked 1,
You liked 2,
He she it liked 3
6  cards
The verb wollen in the simple past
I wanted 1,
You wanted 2,
He she it wanted 3
6  cards
Computer vocab
To switch the computer off 1,
To install a program 2,
To program 3
41  cards
The verbs müssen, können, and dürfen in the simple past
I had to 1,
You had to 2,
He she it had to 3
18  cards
Asking about someone's job
What do you do for a living i m a...,
What do you formal do for a livin...,
Formal what is your profession i ...
9  cards
Possessive pronouns
My 1,
Your 2,
His its 3
10  cards
Introducing Someone
Pleased to meet you 1,
A person male this is my friend h...,
A person female this is my friend...
14  cards
Invitation vocab
Would you both like a coffee 1,
Would you like to have a coffee 2,
I m inviting you for coffee 3
11  cards
Pet vocab
The dog 1,
The cat 2,
The parrot 3
9  cards
Two way prepositions
An 1,
Auf 2,
Vor 3
10  cards
House vocab
The hause 1,
The roof 2,
The attic 3
37  cards
Where/Looking For/Can/Want
Where is the s train 1,
The ticket machine 2,
Where is the ticket machine where...
35  cards
Par-tay vocab! ;)
The birthday 1,
The party the celebration they ha...,
The guest many guests have come 3
27  cards
Swear words
Crap damn 1,
Shit 2,
You are kidding me you called you...
13  cards
Buying a Ticket
Where is the s train 1,
At the counter 2,
Buying a ticket 3
25  cards
Sehen, schauen, und gucken!
To see 1,
To watch 2,
To look 3
4  cards
Means of Transport
The s train 1,
The metro 2,
The car 3
15  cards
What is a town hall 1,
I m your city guide now 2,
Directions 3
33  cards
Relationship vocab
The life partner mrs stock is the...,
The life companion mr kraut is th...,
The relationship mr kraut and mrs...
15  cards
Relatives and family vocab
The grandparents the grandfather ...,
The parents the father dad the mo...,
The child the children 3
22  cards
School vocab
Early kindergarten pre school 1,
The kindergarten nursery school 2,
The school 3
22  cards
Sights and personal pronouns "he, she/they, it"
The city tour begins 1,
Sights 2,
The tower 3
20  cards
On the street - pronoun "man"
Watch out 1,
On the street 2,
The street 3
15  cards
The Menu
Whait would you like to order 1,
I ll take the roast pork 2,
The menu 3
23  cards
Ordering in the Restaurant
What would you like to order 1,
I ll have drink a white wine 2,
I d like the menu 3
28  cards
Expressing your liking, paying at the restaurant
Together or separately 1,
That tastes very good good not th...,
That is tasty delicious 3
18  cards
Flat Advertisement, Time
I m looking for a shared apartment 1,
What time is it 2,
Flat advertisement time 3
28  cards
Weekdays and Daytimes
We ll see each other on tuesday 1,
Weekdays and daytimes 2,
The week the weeks 3
19  cards
Make an Appointment, Adverbs of Time
We ve got time tomorrow 1,
Make an appointment adverbs of ti...,
Do you have time today tomorrow 3
21  cards
The Rooms, Describing an Apartment
Our shared apartment 1,
Apartment viewing 2,
Berlin is multicultural 3
36  cards
Furniture, to Express Likes
The furniture is really nice 1,
The table 2,
The chair 3
38  cards
Activities in the Household, Numbers from 100 to infinite
Sure why not 1,
Tidy up the apartment 2,
Cleaning the apartment the bathro...
40  cards
Family 1, Describing People
My new family 1,
Wow she looks young 2,
The parents the father pl fathers...
63  cards
Family 2
Is this your room 1,
The siblings the brother pl broth...,
The nephew pl nephews the niece p...
59  cards
Family 3, Civil Status
Do you have siblings 1,
Being married a man and a woman a...,
The husband pl husbands 3
22  cards
Foods, Measurements, Packaging
Quark makes you strong 1,
In the supermarket 2,
That s a surprise 3
39  cards
Expressing Taste and Preference
Do you like potatoes 1,
I like beer 2,
Do you like potatoes 3
21  cards
German Breakfast, Beverages
I find this expensive 1,
German breakfast 2,
Beverages 3
34  cards
Hunger/Thirst, Express Consent
Cheers 1,
In the kitchen 2,
Good idea 3
23  cards
Items in the Kitchen, Frequency, Indications
Sleepyhead 1,
Items in the kitchen 2,
The stove pl stoves 3
30  cards
Meals, Describing Food
The meat is too salty 1,
The meals 2,
The breakfast katie has breakfast...
28  cards
Personal Data, Nationalities
Have fun learning german 1,
In the german course 2,
My grandma is german 3
31  cards
Age, Date, Months, Year, Dates
What is your form address 1,
How old are you form how old are ...,
I am 27 years old 3
67  cards
Vocabulary "in the course"
Take my pen 1,
The class pl classes 2,
The student pl students 3
32  cards
To Home / At Home
How was your day 1,
On the balcony 2,
I had the day off today 3
36  cards
Tell a Story - First, Then, Afterwards
What ex girlfriend 1,
Buy bought 2,
Pick up picked up 3
19  cards
Filler Words, Interjections
What s the matter 1,
Oh berlin is beautiful one expres...,
Oh what a pity one regrets someth...
34  cards
Daily Routine
What happened 1,
In front of the fireplace 2,
I m totally exhausted lit broken 3
47  cards
Idioms and Sayings
You fell asleep 1,
True or false punctuality is arri...,
Don t worry about it lit don t ma...
16  cards
Writing an E-Mail / a Letter
Dear mrs stock 1,
An e mail usually has three parts 2,
Formal salutation 3
19  cards
Regular Time Designations
I love soccer 1,
In the park 2,
Are you up for it 3
33  cards
Hobbies, Free Time
To read 1,
To paint to draw 2,
To play an instrument 3
25  cards
Writing an Invitation
I m turning 28 1,
It s katie s birthday soon she wi...,
I m studying medicine i m going t...
24  cards
Clothes make the man 1,
In the clothing shop 2,
What am i going to wear tomorrow 3
36  cards
The Colors
Red is not my color 1,
The color pl the colors 2,
Red 3
64  cards
Speaking About Clothes
The pants don t fit me 1,
How do you like that dress i thin...,
It is fancy stylish cool boring u...
33  cards
Weather, Listening to the Weather Forecast
All the best 1,
Birthday party 2,
Good morning birthday child 3
16  cards
Birthday Party, a Few / a Couple / Pair
Let her live high 1,
The birthday they celebrate katie...,
Congratulate bobbi congratulates ...
34  cards
Talking About the Rules.
What a noise 1,
Allowed to 2,
We are allowed to have a party in...
21  cards
Past Tense Verbs
Telefonieren 1,
Schicken 2,
Kaufen 3
80  cards
good german vocab to know
Substitute 1,
Success 2,
Coincidence 3
29  cards
good german vocab to know 2
Farm 1,
The sixties 2,
Tight close 3
33  cards

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German Vocab A1-A2

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