geography- glacial landforms

This class was created by Brainscape user hannah sb. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Glacial Troughs
How are glaciers formed,
Where does the power come from to...,
How are glacial troughs formed
5  cards
Rock Basins (Glacial Troughs)
How does over deepening also occur,
How are rock basins formed
2  cards
Hanging Valleys (Glacial Troughs)
Example of hanging valleys,
What valleys do they occur in,
How are hanging valleys formed
4  cards
Truncated Spur (Glacial Trough)
How are truncated spurs created
1  cards
Roche Mountonnees (Glacial Troughs)
What do roche mountonnees look like,
How are roche mountonnees formed
2  cards
Shallow Lakes (Glacial Valleys)
How are shallow lakes formed,
Shallow lake example,
How are shallow lakes formed
3  cards
What is englacial debris,
What is ground moraine,
What is lateral moraine
9  cards
How big are drumlins,
What are their characteristics,
How are drumlins found
7  cards
What is terminal moraine,
What is moraine,
How are terminal moraines formed
5  cards
How are eskers formed,
What is a beaded esker,
What features do eskers have
3  cards
How are kames formed,
What happens to kames on the future,
Where are kames formed
4  cards
Outwash Plains
What are outwash plains made of,
How are outwash plains formed,
Where are outwash plains found
3  cards
Braided Streams
Why are braided streams formed,
What is found on the outwash plains,
What are braided streams
3  cards
Kettle Holes
How are kettle holes formed,
What happens to kettle holes over...,
What are kettle holes
3  cards
What are varves made of,
Why are varves useful,
What is a varve
3  cards
Crag And Tail
How are crag and tails formed,
Example of a crag and tail,
What does a crag and tail look like
3  cards
Example of a corrie,
How is an arete formed,
Example of a corrie
6  cards
Medial Moraine
How formed,
Where found
2  cards

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geography- glacial landforms

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