This class was created by Brainscape user James Miles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Water and Carbon Cycles
What is an input,
What is an output,
What is a store
35  cards
Amazon Rainforest
Where is the amazon rainforest lo...,
What area does the amazon rainfor...,
How many people live in the amazo...
20  cards
What type of system is the coast,
What is a sediment cell,
What is a negative feedback loop
129  cards
Holderness Coast
Where is the holderness coast sit...,
What is the direction of the prev...,
What are the main rock types on t...
16  cards
Odisha Coastline
Where is odisha located,
How big is odisha,
How long is the odisha coastline
19  cards
Natural Hazards
What is a hazard,
Would a hurricane hitting an unin...,
What is a natural disaster
125  cards
Christchurch Earthquake
Where is christchurch,
What plate boundary caused the ea...,
What plates causes the earthquake
13  cards
Haiti Earthquake
What plate boundary did the earth...,
What two plates were involved,
What was the magnitude of the ear...
14  cards
Hurricane Katrina
What category of hurricane was hu...,
What year did hurricane katrina h...,
Where did hurricane katrina hit
18  cards
Typhoon Haiyan
What year did typhoon haiyan hit ...,
What category was typhoon haiyan,
What was the lowest pressure reco...
15  cards
Eyjafjallajökull Eruption
What plates is the volcano on,
What plate boundary is the volcan...,
What year did the volcano occur
15  cards
Mount Merapi
Where is it located,
How many people live on the slope...,
Which plates caused the eruption
16  cards
California Wildfire
How many fires were there,
What area was burnt by the wildfires,
How many buildings were destroyed
10  cards
Global Systems and Global Governance
What is globalisation,
What factors affect globalisation,
What are the three driving forces...
123  cards
How many products are consumed gl...,
How many brands makeup coca cola,
How much revenue does coca cola m...
15  cards
What does nafta stand for,
Which countries are part of nafta,
How many times has nafta increase...
13  cards
Changing Places
What is a place,
What is a location,
What is a locale
43  cards
In the 19th century what brought ...,
Why was there significant populat...,
Why was there such an influx of w...
15  cards
Brick Lane
Where is brick lane located,
What is a nickname for brick lane,
What proportion of the population...
23  cards
Contemporary Urban Environments
What is urbanisation,
What are the global patterns of u...,
What are the four processes that ...
93  cards
London - Social, Economic and Cultural Issues
How is london shown as having a h...,
What is the average income in ken...,
What percentage of people in lond...
13  cards
Sao Paulo - Social, Economic and Cultural Issues
Where is sao paulo located,
How much do the richest 10 of hou...,
Where do the poorest residents li...
10  cards
Stratford Regeneration Case Study
Name the social effects of the st...,
What are the economic effects of ...,
What are the environmental effect...
3  cards
Growth and Sustainability in Mumbai
Where is mumbai,
What is the population of mumbai,
What is the main impact of urban ...
10  cards
Growth and Sustainability in Manchester
Where is manchester located,
How many people live in manchester,
How ethnically diverse is manchester
10  cards
Singapore Urban Waste
How much has the waste in singapo...,
In the 1960s and 1970s what was t...,
In the late 1970s what was singap...
9  cards
Where is coffee grown,
What are the issues with coffee p...,
What is trend for coffee producti...
10  cards
Fishing and Whaling
What is the main threat to antarc...,
What species does over fishing th...,
Why is it hard to make sure fishi...
11  cards
Urban Regeneration Since 1979
What four government policies hav...,
What is an urban development corp...,
Where were the first two udcs
16  cards
Impacts of Globalisation
What are four benefits of globali...,
How does globalisation cause inte...,
How does globalisation cause deve...
10  cards
Enfield - Urban Drainage
Where is enfield located,
Why is enfield susceptible to flo...,
How many homes are at risk of flo...
13  cards
Cheonggyecheon - River Restoration
Where is the river situated,
What is the population density of...,
In what year was the river restored
20  cards
London Docklands
When was london dockland regenerated,
Why did the area need regeneration,
How has the housing change in the...
12  cards

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