gcse history - cold war

This class was created by Brainscape user Yash Pande. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Paragraph Structure
Q1 4marks,
Q3 8marks footnotewrite an account
4  cards
1. Contrasting Ideologies Of The USA and USSR
Why did many in the west feel the...
1  cards
2. Yalta And The Aims Of The Big Three
When was the yalta conference,
What were churchill s aims at yalta,
Give some info of roosevelt at yalta
6  cards
3. The Potsdam Conference And Aims Of Atlee, Trueman And Stalin
When was the potsdam conference,
What were stalins feelings at the...,
What were the arrangements made o...
3  cards
4. The Atomic Bomb
How many were killed in japan,
How many buildings in japan were ...
2  cards
5. Soviet Expansion Into Eastern Europe
What was cominform,
What countries were beneath the s...,
Give some aggressive ways stalin ...
4  cards
6. The Truman Doctorine And Marshall Plan
What was the truman doctrine,
How was the truman doctoring bein...,
When was the truman doctrine put ...
20  cards
7. Cominform And Comecon
What was stalin s response to the...,
What was stalin s response to the...,
When was comecon formed
8  cards
8.Berlin Blockade And Air Lift
When was the berlin blockade,
What happened in the berlin blockade,
What did the berlin blockade cause
14  cards
9. Significance Of Events - China
What was declared on october 1st ...,
What did the do to help china,
What did the us do in response to...
4  cards
10. Significance Of Events - Korea
What was agreed to happen in kore...,
Who lead north korea,
Who lead south korea
15  cards
11. Significance Of Events - Vietnam
What was indochina,
Who were the most popular rebels ...,
When did france finally withdraw ...
8  cards
12. Nato And The Warsaw Pact
When was nato formed,
What does nato stand for,
Who were the 12 original members ...
12  cards
13. The Space Race
What led to the space race,
What happened on october 4 1957,
What happened on november 3 1957
11  cards
14. The Arms Race
How long was the arms race,
What were the reasons for the dev...,
What happened in 1945
24  cards
15. The Thaw
Who became the leader of the su b...,
Give some positive points about k...,
Give a negative about khrushchev
7  cards
16. The Hungarian Uprising
Who was the leader of hungary fro...,
How did rakosi gain a firm hand o...,
What effect did de stalinisation ...
15  cards
17. Reds Under The Bed
Name 5 things america was worried...,
What was the red scare,
What was huac
13  cards
18. The U2 Crisis
Who was gary powers,
When did powers take of on a u2 p...,
What happened to powers
8  cards
19. The Berlin Wall
How long was the berlin wall to k...,
How was berlin wall split at first,
What happened in august 13th 1961
19  cards
20. The Cuban Misslie Crisis
How far was the cuban missile cri...,
What happened after kennedy promi...,
Who ruled cuba between 1933 1959
33  cards
21. Czechoslovakia
Give 3 issues czechoslovakia had ...,
Give 3 issues specific to czechos...,
Who called for reform in czechosl...
30  cards
22. An Easing Of Tension
What two main issues remained bet...,
Give two ways circumstances in vi...,
Give 2 reasons suggesting why hum...
18  cards
📝IDEA PARAGRAPHS - Transformations Of The Cold War
Describe what happened at the ber...,
Explain why the berlin wall was b...,
Asses the significance of the ber...
15  cards
📝IDEA PARAGRAPHS - developments Of The Cold War
Describe the event of nato,
Explain the event of nato,
Asses the significance of nato wh...
21  cards
📝IDEA PARAGRAPHS- Causes Of The Cold War
Describe the event of yalta,
Explain the event of yalta,
Asses the significance of the yal...
24  cards

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gcse history - cold war

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