This class was created by Brainscape user Mischa Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (40)

America 1920-1937: People and The 'Boom'
What is the bill of rights,
List the republican party policie...,
List the democratic party policie...
25  cards
America 1920-1973: 1920 Social and Cultral Development
Major movie companies built studi...,
The 1920s was a ______ age for sp...
9  cards
America 1920-1973: Divided Society
Why was prohibition introduced,
Around ____ prohibition agents tr...
26  cards
America 1920-1973: The Great Depression
Black thursday,
What occured after black thursday
24  cards
America 1920-1973: The New Deal
Describe the emergency banking act,
What was the economy act
38  cards
America 1920-1973: The Impact of WW2
1  cards
America 1920-1973: Post-war Society and Economy
What is consumerism,
What was known as the american dream
12  cards
America 1920-1973: Racial Tension and The Civil Rights Campaign
1  cards
America 1920-1973: The 'Great Society'
1  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: The end of WW2
What were the main contrasting id...,
Why was their so much mistrust be...,
What 3 people were part of the ya...
9  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: The Iron Curtan and the evolution of East-West rivalry
0  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: The significance of events in Asia for superpower relations
Who was mal tse tung,
When did mao tse tung declare the...,
Who had previously ruled china an...
43  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: Military rivalries
What was nato in response to and ...,
Who were the 12 og nato members a...,
What was nato s purpose
15  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: The 'thaw'
When was the hungarian uprising,
When did hungary fall within the ...,
How did the soviets ensure commun...
49  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: The Berlin Wall
0  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: Tensions over Cuba
When was cuba rulled by a corrupt...,
What had enabled many members of ...,
Who called for revolution by the ...
48  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: Czechoslovakia
0  cards
Conflict and Tension 1945-1972: An easing of tension
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Elizabeth England c1568- 1603: Elizabeth and Her court
Who was elizabeth i s mother,
How old was elizabeth i when she ...
16  cards
Elizabeth England c1568- 1603: The Difficulties of a Female Ruler
Why was it unclear who would succ...,
What drew attention to the uncert...
28  cards
Elizabeth England c1568- 1603: A 'Golden Age'
What was the order of the great c...,
Why did the gentry begin to grow ...,
What was bess of hardwick also kn...
34  cards
Elizabeth England c1568- 1603: The Poor
Who were known as paupers,
Finish the sentence paupers relie...,
Name 4 reasons why poverty rose s...
31  cards
Elizabeth England c1568- 1603: English Sailors
What is circumnavigation,
As well as the golden age what wa...,
Which two other countries other t...
24  cards
Elizabethan England c1568- 1603: Religious Matters
0  cards
Elizabethan England c1568- 1603: Mary, Queen of Scots
What was mary queen of scots rela...,
When did mary queen of scots beco...,
How old was mary queen of scots w...
35  cards
Elizabethan England c1568- 1603: Conflict with Spain
In ____ phillip ii of spain launc...,
Why was the phillips weapon choic...,
When were the armada anchored off...
12  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Invasion
What were the three groups that m...,
By ad800 what were the names of t...
57  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: A Norman Kingdom 'Angevin' Empire
How long was king aethelred s reign,
In ___ a huge viking army led by ...
57  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: The Birth of British Identity
What was the economic factor that...,
What was a political factor that ...
22  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Sugar and the Caribbean
In ____ henry ___ asked john ____...,
How did tudor and stewart monarch...
34  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Colonisation in North America
What were the three main reasons ...,
What are 5 economic factors that ...
58  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Migrants to and from Britain
How long were the religious civil...,
What was the result of the religi...
39  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Expanision in India
Finish the sentence seeing as ind...,
Who discovered how to get to indi...
46  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Expansion in Africa
What made it possible for europea...
39  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Migrants to, from and within Britain
1  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: The End of the British Empire
1  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: The Legacy of the British Empire
1  cards
Britain- Migration, Empires and the People c790-Present Day: Britain's Reationship with Europe
1  cards

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gcse history

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