gcse english language and literature

This class was created by Brainscape user M O. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: M O

Decks in this class (19)

26  cards
26  cards
What is the rhyme scheme in ozyma...,
What effect does the rhyme scheme...,
What form is the poem in
16  cards
What is the rhyme scheme in london,
What effect does the rhyme scheme...,
What is the structure of london
15  cards
Bayonet Charge
What is the rhyme scheme in bayon...,
What effect does the rhyme scheme...,
What is the perspective of bayone...
14  cards
What is the rhyme scheme in remains,
What is the effect of the rhyme s...,
What is the effect of the structu...
9  cards
What is the rhyme scheme in exposure,
What is the effect of the rhyme s...,
What form is the poem in
14  cards
What is the rhyme scheme of kamikaze,
What form is the poem in,
What effect does the form of kami...
13  cards
What is the rhyme scheme in poppies,
What is the effect of the rhyme s...,
What form is the poem in
12  cards
War Photographer
What is the rhyme scheme in war p...,
What is the effect of the rhyme s...,
What form is the poem in
9  cards
Checking Out Me History
What is the effect of the dual st...,
What is the effect of the repetition,
What is the effect of the rhyme s...
15  cards
My Last Duchess
What is the effect of this poem b...,
What is the effect of the first p...
20  cards
Charge Of The Light Brigade
Written by tennyson poet laureate...,
What is the effect of the opening,
What is the effect of the title
18  cards
What is the form of the poem,
What is the effect of the form,
What is the structure
15  cards
What is the effect of the opening,
What is the effect of the poem name,
What is the effect of repetition
16  cards
Storm On The Island
What style of monologue is this,
What is the effect of the monolog...
18  cards
The Prelude
What is the perspective,
What is the form
18  cards
Inspector Calls
Way of writing about patriarchal ...,
A link that can be made between t...,
Eric being presented to have good...
3  cards
Significant quote in scene 2 act ...,
Significant quote in scene 2 act ...,
Significant quote in scene 2 act ...
10  cards

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gcse english language and literature

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