gcse aqa biology combined

This class was created by Brainscape user Kirsty Hey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

B1 cell structure and transport
What is the equation for magnific...,
What is magnification,
Advantages of an electron microscope
28  cards
B2 cell division
Explain differentiation,
Explain what chromosomes are,
How many pairs of chromosomes do ...
14  cards
B3 organization and the digestive system
What is a tissue,
What is an oragan,
What is an organ system
30  cards
B4 organising animals and plants
How does the heart pump blood aro...,
What are the 4 chambers in the heart,
What are the function of the left...
39  cards
B5 communicable diseases
What is a pathogen,
How can pathogens be spread,
What 4 things are considered path...
33  cards
B6 preventing and treating diseases
How does vaccination prevent disease,
What is herd immunity,
What are antibiotics
19  cards
B7 non communicable diseases
What is health,
What happens in coronary heart di...,
What are stents used for
15  cards
B8 photosynthesis
What is the word equation for pho...,
What is photosynthesis,
How does temperature affect photo...
14  cards
B9 respiration
What is respiration,
What does aerobic mean,
What does anaerobic mean
19  cards
B10 the human nervous system
What is homeostasis,
What does homeostasis control in ...,
What are the 2 types of responses...
15  cards
B11 hormonal coordination
What is a hormone,
What is the endocrine system,
What is the pituitary gland
31  cards
B12 reproduction
What is sexual reproduction,
Why is there variation in sexual ...,
What is asexual reproduction
19  cards
B13 variation and evolution
What is variation,
Give examples of what variation m...,
What is evolution
19  cards
B15 adaption interdependence and competition
What is an ecosystem,
What is a population,
What is a community
14  cards
plant ions and organisation
Why are nitrate ions important in...,
What happens in nitrate definciency
2  cards

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gcse aqa biology combined

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