fundamentals to evolutionary biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Jamie Orr. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Lecture 2 - Hardy Weinberg Equation
What is population genetics,
What is the use of population gen...,
43  cards
Lecture 3 - Sources of vairiation
What mutations are heritable,
What leads to mutation
22  cards
Lecture 4 - Random genetic drift and NE
Genetic drift,
For a single locus with two allel...,
What are the changes in probabili...
23  cards
Lecture 5 - Migration
What does migration allow,
Inbreeding coefficient f,
Fixation index fst
14  cards
Lecture 7 - Phenotypic evolution
How have humans harnessed evolution,
Quantitative traits,
Quantitative genetics
30  cards
Lecture 8 - Biogeography
What is biogeography,
What is biogeography split into,
Ecological biogeography
37  cards
Lecture 9 - Phylogenetics
Scala naturae,
What is the taxonomic order
25  cards
Lecture 10 - Phylogenetics Part 2
30  cards
Lecture 11 - Species
What is the debate of weather spe...,
What purposes does the species co...,
Morphological or typological spec...
37  cards
Lecture 12 - Speciation
Mechanical isolation,
Copulatory behavioral isolation,
Gametic isolation
31  cards
Lecture 13 - Speciation part 2
Why are post zygotic barriers avo...,
What is the concept of reinforcement,
When is prezygotic isolation stro...
43  cards
Lecture 14 - Comparative methods part 1
What is a comparative method,
What are two key evolutionary mec...,
What was the comparative methods ...
21  cards
Lecture 15 - Comparative methods part 2
What do we know most about extinc...,
Trace fossils
18  cards
Lecture 16 - Co-evolution
How does coevolution differ from ...,
What are the 4 antagonistic inter...
20  cards
Lecture 17 and 18 - Macroevolution
Snake jaw kinesis,
Post copulatory cannibalism in wi...
60  cards
Lecture 19 - Evolution of sex
What is sexual reproduction,
What percentage of eukaryotic org...
34  cards
Lecture 20 - Human Evolution 1
When was the start of the pleisto...,
When was the start of the holocene,
56  cards
Lecture 21 - Genetics of human evolution
When were the first fossils found...,
How old are the oldest definite h...,
What is the out of africa hypothesis
35  cards
Lecture 22 - Human Migration
Why is mitochondrial dna used to ...,
What is the problem with studying...,
What is the most variable part of...
36  cards

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fundamentals to evolutionary biology

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