fundamentals of plant biology

This class was created by Brainscape user J Hamel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Defining a plant
Are all plants photosynthetic,
What are myco heterotrophs,
Why are myco heterotrophs conside...
14  cards
Plant systematics
What is plant systematics,
Why do we want to do plant system...,
Why would we want to know which p...
4  cards
Plant systematics - History
What have we known about plants s...,
Who was theophrastus,
What did theophrastus contribute ...
23  cards
Plant ID - angiosperm families
What is the word ending used for ...,
What is the word ending used for ...,
What is the word ending used for ...
53  cards
Native, non-native, and invasive Alberta plants
What is a native species,
How sensitive are native species ...,
What 3 trees are important native...
25  cards
Urban ecology and ecosite classifcation
What is an ecosystem engineer,
What is ecology in cities,
What is ecology of cities
11  cards
What are two ways that bryophytes...,
What adaptations are present in b...,
Why couldnt bryophytes have a thi...
31  cards
Evolution of plants
In which eon did the oldest forms...,
Did plants discover photosynthesis,
When did oxygenic photosynthesis ...
20  cards
Are lycophytes homosporous or het...,
Are lycophytes sporophyte or game...,
What type of leaves are present i...
11  cards
What are the 3 groups in phylum m...,
Are ferns homosporous or heteospo...,
What type of leaf do ferns have
12  cards
Evolution of seed plants
What were the first plants to dev...,
What were the traits of progymnos...,
When did the radiation of gymnosp...
23  cards
How many living species of gymnos...,
Do gymnosperms dominate any ecosy...,
What are the 4 phyla of gymnosperms
28  cards
How many species of angiosperms a...,
Is anthophyta monophyletic,
What are the 2 main classes that ...
14  cards
Plants as organisms
What are 5 ways autotrophs have e...,
What are 3 consequences of vascul...,
What is dendritic growth why do p...
9  cards
Plant cells and tissue systems
What are the 4 types of non vascu...,
What are meristematic cells,
Where are meristematic cells found
43  cards
What are 6 functions of roots,
What are the 5 types of roots,
What is a radicle
54  cards
What are shoots,
What are phytomeres,
What accounts for most of the inc...
8  cards
Stems and secondary growth
What are 8 functions of stems,
What are the 3 ways the vascular ...,
In a continuous cylinder vascular...
33  cards
What are leaves,
How diverse is leaf morphology,
What is an advantage of compound ...
21  cards
What part of the life cycle happe...,
What type of leaf did flowers ori...,
What type of leaf did the carpel ...
27  cards
Co-evolution with animals
What is coevolution,
How does coevolution happen,
How do plants benefit from pollin...
16  cards
Seeds and fruits
How does double fertilization wor...,
What are the first 3 tissues that...,
What does the protoderm become in...
37  cards
Plant hormones
What are plant hormones,
What do hormones do at a cellular...,
What is the usually the end resul...
33  cards
Water and photosynthate transport
Is xylem unidirectional,
Is phloem unidirectional,
What drives water transport in pl...
64  cards
Which macromolecules can plants b...,
Why do plants need nutrients if t...,
What elements make up chlorophyll
33  cards

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fundamentals of plant biology

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