finance technical interview

This class was created by Brainscape user Nuk Nuked. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Accounting (Basic) from BIWS 400
Walk me through the 3 financial s...,
Can you give examples of major li...,
How do the 3 statements link toge...
34  cards
Accounting (Advanced) from BIWS 400
How is gaap accounting different ...,
What are deferred tax assets liab...,
Walk me through how you create a ...
15  cards
Equity & Enterprise Value (Basic) from BIWS 400
Why do we look at both enterprise...,
When looking at an acquisition of...,
What s the formula for enterprise...
15  cards
Equity & Enterprise Value (Advanced) from BIWS 400
Are there any problems with the e...,
Should you use the book value or ...,
What percentage dilution in equit...
11  cards
Valuation (Basic) from BIWS 400
What are the 3 major valuation me...,
Rank the 3 valuation methodologie...,
When would you not use a dcf in a...
34  cards
Valuation (Advanced) from BIWS 400
How do you value banks and financ...,
Walk me through an ipo valuation ...,
I m looking at financial data for...
43  cards
DCF (Basic) from BIWS 400
Walk me through a dcf,
Walk me through how you get from ...,
What s an alternate way to calcul...
32  cards
DCF (Advanced) from BIWS 400
Explain why we would use the mid ...,
What discount period numbers woul...,
How does the terminal value calcu...
7  cards
M&A (Basic) from BIWS 400
Walk me through a basic merger model,
What s the difference between a m...,
Why would a company want to acqui...
24  cards
M&A (Advanced) from BIWS 400
What s the difference between pur...,
Walk me through a concrete exampl...,
Walk me through an example of how...
28  cards
LBO (Basic) from BIWS 400
Walk me through a basic lbo model,
Why would you use leverage when b...,
What variables impact an lbo mode...
22  cards
LBO (Advanced) from BIWS 400
Tell me about all the different k...,
How would an asset write up or wr...,
Normally we care about the irr fo...
12  cards
Restructuring & Distressed M&A from BIWS 400
How much do you know about what y...,
What are the 2 different sides of...,
How would a distressed company se...
37  cards
Market & Economics
Let s say you had 10 million to i...,
If you owned a small business and...,
We do most of our work with techn...
10  cards
Accounting: Conceptual Questions
What are the three financial stat...,
How do the financial statements l...,
What s the most important financi...
28  cards
Accounting: Single-Step Changes on the Financial Statements
Walk me through the financial sta...,
A company s depreciation increase...,
A company runs into financial dis...
16  cards
Accounting: Multi-Step Changes on the Financial Statements
A company buys a factory for 200 ...,
One year passes the company pays ...,
At the end of this first year the...
13  cards
Accounting: Working Capital, Free Cash Flow, and Other Metrics and Ratios
What is free cash flow fcf and wh...,
What does fcf mean if it s negati...,
Why might you have to adjust the ...
15  cards

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finance technical interview

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