final frontier musculoskeletal

This class was created by Brainscape user mikko macapagal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (95)

Muscles of the Upper Extremity
Pectoralis major,
Pectoralis minor,
Serratus anterior
23  cards
Muscles of the Forearm and Hand
Extensor carpi radialis longus an...,
Extensor digitorum,
Extensor digiti minimi
26  cards
Muscles of The Thorax
External intercostals,
Internal intercostals,
Transversus thoracis
10  cards
Muscles of The Thigh
Rectus femoris,
Vastus lateralis,
Vastus medialis
17  cards
Muscles of The Leg
Extensor digitorum longus,
Extensor hallucis longus
13  cards
Muscles of The Foot
Flexor digitorum brevis,
Abductor digiti minimi
10  cards
Shoulder Special Tests
Yergason s,
Speed s test,
Neer s impingement test
26  cards
Elbow Special Tests
Ligament instability test,
Lateral epicondylitis test,
Mill s test
8  cards
Wrist-Hand Special Tests
Finkelstein s test,
Bunnel littler special test,
Ligament instability test
12  cards
Hip Special Tests
Patrick s faber test,
Grind scour test,
Trendelenburg sign
11  cards
Knee Joint Special Tests
Collateral ligament instability t...,
Lachman s test,
Pivot shift test
19  cards
Ankle Joint Special Tests
Neutral subtalar positioning,
Anterior drawer test,
Talar tilt test
8  cards
Cervical Spine Special Tests
Vertebral artery test,
Hautant s test,
Transverse ligament stress test
9  cards
Thoracic Spine Special Test
Rib spring test,
Thoracic spring test,
Slump test
3  cards
Lumbar Spine Special Tests
Slr test lasegue s test,
Femoral nerve traction test,
Babinski s sign test
8  cards
Sacroiliac Joint Special Test
Gilet s test,
Ipsilateral anterior rotation test,
Gaenslen s test
5  cards
Scapular Movements and Muscles
What muscles contribute to scapul...,
What muscles contribute to scapular,
What muscles contribute to scapul...
6  cards
MSK Concepts; Upper Crossed Syndrome; Mechanical Work
What are the motions that contrib...,
What are the motions that contrib...,
What are the clinical concepts th...
10  cards
Open Chain and Closed Chain Kinematics of the Tibiofemoral Joint
In the open chain during knee ext...,
In the open chain during knee fle...,
In the closed chain during knee e...
5  cards
Scapular Upward/Downward Rotation
What muscles are components of up...,
What muscles are components of do...,
What motion of the shoulder cause...
4  cards
Active and Passive Insufficiency
What is active insufficiency,
What is passive insufficiency
2  cards
Kinematic Chain + Related Postures Secondary to Hip Malalignment
What motions occurs up the chain ...,
What foot position occurs due to ...,
What foot position occurs due to ...
11  cards
End Feels
Descriptions causes of a hard end...,
Descriptions causes of a soft end...,
Descriptions causes of a elastic ...
8  cards
Capsular Patterns of all Extremity Joints
Shoulder capsular pattern,
Elbow capsular pattern,
Forearm capsular pattern
9  cards
Accessory Joint Motions
What is the motion that occurs at...,
What is a glide slide,
What is a roll
6  cards
Glenohumeral Joint Mobilizations
What type of joint is the glenohu...,
What is the plane of the scapula ...,
What is ghj distraction primarily...
8  cards
Elbow and Forearm Joint Mobilization
Review image of joints for your e...,
What is the resting open packed p...,
What is the treatment plane for t...
17  cards
Wrist/Hand Complex Joint Mobilizations
Diagram for your enjoyment,
What is the resting open packed p...,
What is the treatment plane of th...
9  cards
Hip Joint Mobilizations
Hip joint photo for your enjoymen...,
What is the resting open packed p...,
What is hip distraction used for ...
5  cards
Knee Joint Complex Mobilizations
Picture for your enjoyment,
What is the resting position of t...,
What are tibiofemoral distraction...
7  cards
Leg/Ankle Joint Mobilization
Picture of the talocrural joint f...,
What is talocrural distraction us...,
What is the resting open packed p...
9  cards
Adhesive Capsulitis and PT Management
What is usually the cause of adhe...,
What are msk conditions can contr...,
What is the typical age of onset
28  cards
Upper and Lower Crossed Syndromes (additional card, Check Lecture 1: MSK basics)
What posture can be expected with...,
What postural adaptations can be ...,
What limitations occur do to prot...
10  cards
ACL Protocols
What is a hinged orthosis with a ...,
Typical duration of hinge brace wear,
Resistance training general preca...
10  cards
Common Hand and Finger Deformities
What is ape hand deformity and it...,
What is bishop s hand or benedict...,
What is boutonniere deformity and...
24  cards
Normal Gait
When utilizing the heel rocker wh...,
When utilizing the forefoot rocke...,
What side of the body is active d...
45  cards
Pain Descriptions and Related Structures
What description of pain is assoc...,
What description of pain is assoc...,
What description of pain is assoc...
7  cards
Pain Rating Scales
Visual analog scale,
Faces pain rating scale wong and ...
2  cards
What is fibromyalgia,
How does this differ from myofasc...,
Are men or women more affected ho...
9  cards
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
What is myofascial pain syndrome ...,
Hat are possible causes of trigge...,
Relationship of myofascial trigge...
10  cards
Abnormal Gait
How will contracture change rom w...,
How will weakness change rom what...,
How will a hip flexion contractur...
22  cards
What is osteomyelitis,
What age population is this most ...,
What are medical treatment option...
3  cards
Tendinosis/Tendinopathy and Bursitis
Is inflammation present in tendin...,
What medications are warranted,
What should be the initial emphas...
7  cards
Muscle Strains
What is a muscle strain,
Ways to confirm muscle strain
2  cards
Myositis Ossificans
What is myositis ossificans,
What is the usually cause,
Frequent locations affected
5  cards
Congenital Muscular Torticollis (GOLD)
What is torticollis,
What may be the cause of cmt,
What information should be obtain...
6  cards
Avascular Necrosis
What is avascular necrosis,
Hat rom is decreased in avn,
Diagnostic tests to confirm diagn...
6  cards
Trochanteric Bursitis (Silver) + ITB Friction Syndrome
What is trochanteric bursitis,
What is injured and what is typic...,
Who are more affected men or women
9  cards
Piriformis Syndrome (SILVER)
What is piriformis syndrome,
Likely contributing factors for t...,
Clinical presentation
5  cards
Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain (Grade II) GOLD
What forces are primarily resiste...,
Common moi for the mcl,
What is a grade ii ligament sprain
9  cards
Meniscal Tear (Silver)
Common cause of meniscal tear,
Which meniscus is more affected m...,
Most likely contributing factor f...
8  cards
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome GOLD
What is patellofemoral pain syndr...,
What direction is the patella mos...,
Are female or males more affected
12  cards
Patellar Tendinopathy (Jumpers Knee)
What is and what causes patellar ...
1  cards
Ankle Sprain - Grade II GOLD
What is the most significant caus...,
What does the lateral ligament co...,
What ligaments compose the latera...
19  cards
Achilles Tendon Rupture (GOLD)
Where does rupture to the achille...,
Most likely cause of achilles ten...,
Most likely cause of achilles ten...
12  cards
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (BRONZE)
What aspect of the foot does the ...,
What structures pass through the ...,
What structure is involved injured
6  cards
Plantar Fasciitis (GOLD)
What is plantar fasciitis,
What foot deformation is responsi...,
What factors contribute to planta...
8  cards
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Sprain (Grade III) (GOLD)
What is a grade iii acl sprain,
Are males or females more affected,
Factors that make females more li...
12  cards
Prosthetic Gait
How does the com move when a pati...,
How are the walls of a prosthetic...,
How are the walls of a prosthetic...
21  cards
Osteoarthritis (Gold)
What is oa,
What structures are involved dama...,
What is the primary cause
13  cards
Fun Knee Semantics
How does genu varum affect joint ...,
How does genu valgum affect joint...,
What structures of the knee joint...
7  cards
Rotator Cuff Repair
What type of injury has a slower ...,
Stage 1 characteristics and pain,
Stage 1 typical ages
19  cards
Method of fixation cement,
Method of fixation cementless hybrid,
Common resting position of the hi...
14  cards
What is the most common indicatio...,
Who is at higher risk for for art...,
What knee deformity may be a cont...
14  cards
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Patient who requires a tsa would ...,
Primary indication for tsa,
What protocol is used to lay out ...
14  cards
Shoulder Joint Review + Beighton Score Test
What type of joint is the sternoc...,
Acromioclavicular joint convex on...,
What type of joint is the scapulo...
18  cards
Legg-Calve-Perthes Vs. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
What is legg calve perthes,
Age range for lcp,
Body characteristics gender assoc...
14  cards
Femoral Acetabular Impingement
When do symptoms often arise with...,
Pain progression with fai,
Pain distribution patterns
7  cards
Hamstring Stains
Subjective reports from patients,
Pain tenderness can be reproduced...,
Weakness of what muscle can predi...
8  cards
How is a curve pattern designated,
For a right thoracic curve where ...,
For a cervicothoracic curve what ...
19  cards
Scheuermann's Disease
What is scheuermann s disease,
What vertebrae are typically affe...,
What direction is the nucleus pul...
10  cards
Motions of the Cervical and Lumbar Spine
In the cervical spine what is the...,
In the lumbar spine what is the r...,
Which motion couples will cause c...
6  cards
Muscular Activity during Elevation of the Arm
Which muscle contracts to initiat...,
After the first 0 15 degrees of s...,
Above 90 degrees of abduction whi...
9  cards
Stress Fractures of the Hip
Do stress fractures have acute on...,
Subjective history that may be in...,
Pain characteristics with rest an...
7  cards
Non-Traumatic Ankle Conditions
Where is pain felt in medial tibi...,
Both tibial stress fractures and ...,
Where is palpable pain felt in me...
15  cards
Subacromial Impingement vs Rotator Cuff Tear
Both subacromial impingement synd...,
Pain may be increased during what...,
Differentiating factor on present...
16  cards
Acromioclavicular joint Arthropathy
Pain may be felt where,
What motions may increase pain
6  cards
SLAP/Labral Tears
Labral tear diagram,
All labral tears will have what t...,
Pain descriptions
10  cards
Knee Differential Keywords
When patient reports a pop at the...,
When patient reports a popping lo...,
What is the unhappy triad
4  cards
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
What is the capsular pattern of t...,
Normal rom for mouth opening,
Muscles associated with opening d...
13  cards
What type of headache is the only...,
Migraines have what type of pain ...,
Migraines have what type of pain ...
13  cards
Spine Mobilizations
What motion causes opening increa...,
What motion causes closing decrea...,
What is the c rule
7  cards
Lumbar Spine Pathologies Flexion or Extension Biased
If a patient has a bias towards o...,
Spondylosis djd,
Facet dysfunction
10  cards
Even more ACL Protocols
If a patient is nonoperative what...,
Motions to be avoided in a non op...,
Priority focus for control of a r...
8  cards
Ankylosing Spondylitis
For a patient with ankylosing spo...,
What spinal motion curve should w...,
Are males are females more affected
4  cards
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis
What motions are contraindicated ...
1  cards
Common Spinal Deformities
In pathological lordosis what str...,
Muscles weakenedlelongated in pat...,
Muscles short and strong in patho...
7  cards
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
What neck muscles does the brachi...,
The subclavian artery run posteri...,
What is true neurogenic tos
14  cards
Ottawa Ankle Rules
Tenderness to what regions would ...,
The inability to do what would in...
2  cards
Ottawa Knee Rules
In order for x ray to be ordered ...,
What age is imaging warranted,
Tenderness to which structures in...
5  cards
Canadian C-Spine Rules
What are high risk factors would ...,
Low risk factors that would allow...,
Rom that would safely after prope...
4  cards
DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis
Score of what would indicate dvt,
Hallmark signs and symptoms to lo...
3  cards
Who is she,
In the event of suspected rhabdom...
5  cards
Conditions Requiring Immediate Medical Attention; signs and symptoms
Abdominal aortic aneurysm aaa,
6 p s of compartment syndrome
7  cards
Achilles Tendon Repair
0  cards

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final frontier musculoskeletal

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