This class was created by Brainscape user Joe Cunningham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Why Extract? And Body Positioning And Technique
Give some reasons of why you woul...,
What body position would you use ...,
What position would you use to ex...
6  cards
Post Operative Checks And Instructions
What should you check on the toot...,
What should you do to the patient...,
What post operative advice would ...
11  cards
Oral Surgery Instruments
What makes a tooth unrestorable,
Name all the maxillary oral surge...,
Name this instrument and where it...
13  cards
Basic Surgical Techniques
What are the three basic principl...,
What are the stages of oral surgery,
What is the name of a flap cut to...
10  cards
Minor Oral Surgery Techniques
What are some general principles ...,
What are the types of debridement,
What is physical debridement what...
9  cards
Analgesia in oral surgery
Briefly overview the arachidonic ...,
What does a prostaglandin do,
When can aspirin be used for trea...
35  cards
Indications For Extraction And Technique
Why might a tooth be unrestorable,
What are the three modes of actio...
2  cards
Post-op Complications
Give some common post extraction ...,
Give some less common post op com...,
How to advise a patient on pain
20  cards
Extraction Complications COPY
Give some complications that can ...,
Why may access be difficult in a ...,
Why might a tooth display abnorma...
17  cards
Post Op Complications Long Term
How would you diagnose an oac,
How manage a small oaf,
How manage a large or lining torn...
25  cards
Diseases Of Pulp And Periodontium
What is pulp hyperaemia what are ...,
What are some symptoms of acute p...,
How might one diagnose acute pulp...
13  cards
Spread Of Infection
Where may infection in a maxillar...,
Where may an infection travel fro...,
What is the pterygomandibular space
23  cards
Pre Prosthetic Surgery
Give some instances in where soft...,
Give some reasons hard tissue can...,
What are autografts allografts xe...
3  cards
TMJ Disorder
What is blood supply and nerve su...,
Briefly describe the anatomy of t...,
Give some possible causes of tmj ...
25  cards
Third Molars
Common consequences of impacted l...,
Nerves at risk during 3rd molar s...,
What did the fds rcs 2020 documen...
26  cards
The Maxillary Sinus
Name the sinuses,
What are the function of the para...,
Describe the shape and location o...
18  cards
Soft Tissue Lesions And Biopsy
What is a biopsy,
What are advantages of aspiration...,
What is a fine needle aspiration ...
20  cards
OS / Ortho Interface
Os ortho options for impacted can...,
Indications for canine transplant,
Why are implants ideal for orthod...
3  cards
Max Fax Trauma
Ways to improve airway in omfs tr...,
Adjuncts to prevent bleeding in omfs,
Key events to a trauma history
30  cards
Implant Symposium
What is an implant,
What is osseointegration,
What mh should be considered befo...
6  cards
Cysts Of The Jaws
When does radicular cyst become r...,
What are the inflammatory odontog...,
Most common odontogenic developme...
7  cards
What is peripheral giant cell gra...,
Cause of pgcg,
Aetiology of pgcg
9  cards
MH Considerations
Give the possible mh contraindica...,
Why may high bp be a contraindica...,
Why may angina be contraindicatio...
12  cards
Orofascial Pain, Textook
Diagnosis of orofacial pain,
How ask about pain,
Cause local mucosal pain
19  cards
Peri-radicular surgery
Aims of peri radicular surgery,
Indications for peri radicular su...,
Flap used for peri radicular surgery
6  cards

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f - oral surgery

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