This class was created by Brainscape user Aaron Reber. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Week 1 - Introduction
What is exercise physiology,
What is human physiology,
Basic research
17  cards
Week 1 - Control of the Internal Environment: Homeostasis, Exercise & Adaptation
Define steady state exercise and ...
20  cards
Week 1 - Introduction to Fitness testing + V02max demonstration
To define an individuals physical...,
Skill related fitness components,
What are the 4 components of the ...
18  cards
Week 2 - Neuroendocrinology
Nervous system,
Endocrine system
37  cards
Week 2 - Bioenergetics and Exercise Metabolism
Explain the two types of reaction...
36  cards
Week 2 - Exercise Metabolism Contd.
Energy yield of a chob fats,
Key term for glycogen breakdown,
Define rer and the two caveats fo...
12  cards
Week 3 - Autonomic nervous system + CV control during exercise
Two divisions of autonomic nervou...,
What are the two neurons that aut...,
55  cards
Week 3 - Central Nervous System
4functions of the central nervous...,
Outline the anatomical division o...,
Difference between dorsal root an...
60  cards
Week 3 - Wearable devices and assessing autonomic control
3 criterion measures of energy ex...,
Direct calorimetry,
Indirect calorimetry
15  cards
Week 4 - Muscle Structure and Function
What of total body mass is made u...,
4 functions of skeletal muscle,
Muscle actions
64  cards
Week 4 - Muscle Ageing
Define sarcopenia,
In reference to sarcopenia answer...,
Is strength loss greater in lower...
17  cards
Week 5 - The Cardiovascular System
What system does the cv work clos...,
What are the 3 main functions of ...,
What are the two major adjustment...
39  cards
Week 5 - Cardiac structure and Function
Brief outline of the journey of b...,
What are the 3 structures of the ...,
3 structures that make up the hea...
38  cards
Week 5 - Impact of Exercise on the Heart
Cardiac arrest,
Aed automated external defibrillator
10  cards
Week 6 - Circulatory responses to exercise and special circulations
Describe the anatomy of the perip...,
What does macrocirculation involv...,
29  cards
Week 6 - Brain blood flow and exercise
Functional consequences of blood ...,
What is the brains body mass what...,
Why is habitual exercise importan...
16  cards
Week 6 - Dallas Bedrest study
What did this dallas bedrest stud...,
What was the protocol for the study,
What happened to participants v02...
10  cards
Week 7 - Respiration during Exercise
What is the primary purpose of th...,
How does the respiratory system m...,
How can we separate the structura...
49  cards
Week 7 - Respiration during exercise (p2)
What are the 3 phases of the vent...,
What happens to ventilation durin...
38  cards
Week 7 - Respiration during exercise (p3)
What is dalton s law,
How is the partial pressure of a ...,
Identify the difference between a...
31  cards
Week 8 - Thermoregulation and thermal stress
What is our normal resting body c...,
In the heat what can be safely ge...,
In the cold what can be
29  cards
Week 8 - Exercise and Altitude
What is altitude,
At high altitude what happens to ...,
What is the effect of lower air d...
33  cards
Week 8 - Exercise and the Immune system (NOT IN EXAM)
What are the two branches of the ...,
What is the main role of the immu...,
A fundamental principle of immuni...
36  cards
Week 9 - Effects of aerobic and anaerobic training
What are the two key factors to c...,
Describe the overload principle o...,
Describe the specificity principl...
49  cards
Week 9 - The effects of Resistance training
Muscular strength,
Muscular endurance,
What does high resistance trainin...
33  cards
Week 9 - Factors effecting Performance - Fatigue
What are factors that affect perf...,
What does peripheral fatigue refe...
22  cards
Week 10 - Training for performance
What do training programs need to...,
58  cards
Week 10 - Training for Specific Populations (Females + Diabetics)
What are key concerns important f...,
What is athletic amenorrhea,
How common is amenorrhea in femal...
21  cards
Week 10 - Training for Specific Populations (Ageing and Paralympic athletes)
What does sarcopenia refer to,
What is sarcopenia due to,
What are other contributing facto...
28  cards
Week 11 - Physical activity and Health
List some health outcomes of phys...,
What is exercise capacity a power...,
What is the relationship between ...
20  cards
Week 11 - Physical activity and Health p2
What are the 3 major risk factor ...,
In the us what two factors accoun...,
20  cards
Week 11 - Exercise for Special Populations
What is diabetes characterized by,
What is the major difference betw...,
Identify which is type 1 diabetes...
19  cards
Week 11 - Exercise for Special Populations p2
How is coronary artery disease ca...,
What are the risk factors for cor...,
How does exercise compare to perc...
18  cards
Week 11 - Topics not coming up
What is cancer incidence heavily ...,
How is cancer caused,
What is cancer incidence heavily ...
11  cards
Week 10 - Not in the exam
What considerations must be taken...,
Is the risk of sudden cardiac dea...,
What are area of concerns in spor...
20  cards

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exercise physiology

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