This class was created by Brainscape user Angela Buckley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Chapter 10 quiz
Which one of the following statem...,
When using a pocket mask to venti...,
You have opened the airway using ...
94  cards
Chapter 1 quiz
You are interviewing for the posi...,
You have arrived on the scene of ...,
Before contacting medical directi...
42  cards
Chapter 2 quiz
A right now he is not breathing a...,
A reaction to death or dying wher...,
A 38 year old male is complaining...
56  cards
Chapter 3 quiz
The emt correctly understands a p...,
There has been a very serious mot...,
The emt shows understanding of th...
60  cards
Chapter 4 quiz
Which one of the following statem...,
After a patient who is short of b...,
Last week on a computer generated...
44  cards
Chapter 5 quiz
Why is using a standard format fo...,
Which one of the following statem...,
A 31 year old female with a histo...
42  cards
Chapter 6 quiz
You are caring for a young male p...,
When lifting or moving any patien...,
You are moving a critically injur...
37  cards
Chapter 12 quiz
If a scene becomes unsafe after y...,
When should the emt evaluate the ...,
Which of the following standard p...
25  cards
Chapter7 quiz
Involuntary or smooth muscles are...,
In which of the following respira...,
When the diaphragm and intercosta...
86  cards
Chapter 8 quiz
What happens after a cell in anae...,
The emt would most likely see a n...,
The patient in anaerobic metaboli...
74  cards
Chapter 14 quiz
After assisting a patient using h...,
Which of the following is one of ...,
You are assisting a patient with ...
38  cards
Chapter 11 quiz
When should the emt use the pulse...,
Which one of the following statem...,
During the primary assessment of ...
96  cards
Chapter 15 quiz
You have arrived at a residence w...,
A 7 year old boy choked on a grap...,
An unrestrained 37 year old femal...
89  cards
Chapter 13 quiz
You are instructing an emergency ...,
A 31 year old male breathing at a...,
When you assess the lower back of...
104  cards

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  • 503 flashcards
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Decks: Component 1 Preliminary Emt, Component 2 Patient Assessment, Component 3 Airway Management Techniques, And more!
  • 9 decks
  • 452 flashcards
  • 15 learners
Decks: Quiz 4 Chapters 6 7, Chapter 10 Pretest, Quiz 5 Chapters 8 13, And more!
  • 38 decks
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Decks: Chapter 1 Quiz, Chapter 2 Quiz, Chapter 3 Quiz, And more!
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