electrical theory 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Nick 5. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

General Knowledge
What holds the electron in orbit ...,
Potential difference will exist b...,
To produce a voltage chemically t...
54  cards
What holds the electron in orbit ...,
What is the outer orbit of the at...,
What is the electron in the outer...
19  cards
Potential difference will exist b...,
What is potential difference meas...,
What is the name of the force tha...
15  cards
A material with many free electro...,
List examples of a conductor,
What is a material with few free ...
14  cards
What is the formula for power,
What is the unit of electrical power,
How many watts make one horsepower
14  cards
What is the name of the naturally...,
There are lines of force that pas...,
What direction do the lines of ma...
13  cards
AC Theory
What direction does ac travel thr...,
Name 2 advantages of ac over dc,
The speed at which ac changes dir...
12  cards
Which type of current makes a tra...,
How is a voltage produced on a tr...,
List 2 types of transformer const...
12  cards
AC Generators
What things are required to produ...,
What is the most common type of g...,
List the things that the generate...
10  cards
AC Motors
List 4 advantages of an ac motor,
What is the main disadvantage of ...,
List the 2 main components of the...
10  cards
DC Motors
A commutator is used in dc motors,
What are windings,
What is the rotor of a dc motor g...
14  cards
When an emf moves electrons throu...,
In a series circuit what happens ...,
True or false the current though ...
3  cards
L Safety
0  cards
What is loto
1  cards

More about
electrical theory 1

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