This class was created by Brainscape user Rishi Das. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (105)

Principles of Economics 1.2 - Supply & Demand review questions
What s the law of demand 1,
What s the law of supply 2,
What s partial equilibrium analys...
26  cards
Principles of Economics 1.1 - Introduction to Economics
Explain the history about the for...,
Explain the concept of scarcity 2,
Explain what a cost benefit analy...
84  cards
Principles of Economics 2.1 - Intro to Consumer Choice*
What s utility 1,
What are the characteristics of i...,
What s an indifference map 3
6  cards
Maths for Economics 2.1 - Things Economists do with Differentiation*
What are the dynamics of a vairab...,
How is the rate of change of y at...,
What is sometimes used to write d...
4  cards
Contemporary Economic Challenges A 2 - Prosperity*
What factors distinguish a prospe...,
Define production 2,
Define expenditure 3
17  cards
Maths for Economics 2.1 - Things Economists do with Differentiation Topic 4 - Elasticities*
Why does y x have the same units ...,
Define price elasticity of demand 2,
Blank 3
3  cards
Principles of Economics 2.2*
What are the 3 elements in the st...,
What s the key statement when you...,
What s the point of tangency on a...
11  cards
Principles of Economics 4.2 - Firm Behaviour and Market Structures*
What s imperfect competition 1,
What s the name for where firms d...,
What s the most extreme degree of...
31  cards
Principles of Economics Lecture 5.1 - Monopolistic Competition & Oligopoly
0  cards
Maths for Economics 5: Logic, Sets and Functions Topic 1 - Logic*
What s the logic of a language 1,
What are the values in fuzzy logic 2,
What s the most important logic a...
7  cards
Contemporary Economic Challenges A 5 - Income Inequality
What are the different forms of i...,
Describe explain the changes in a...,
Elaborate on how income inequalit...
4  cards
Principles of Economics 5.2 - Market Intervention*
Why is a monopoly an example of m...,
Give the 2 extremes in which mark...,
Explain public goods vs private g...
5  cards
Principles of Economics 6.1 - Introduction to Macroeconomics*
What s aggregation 1,
What s the name for the process o...,
What does aggregate mean 3
42  cards
Principles of Economics 6.2 - Classical Theory
What s a closed economy 1,
Explain what market clearing is 2,
Explain consumption in classical ...
7  cards
Principles of Economics 8.1 - Unemployment and the Labour Market*
Describe the 2 categories of unem...,
What does unemployment need to be 2,
Define unemployment 3
22  cards
Principles of Economics 9 - The Monetary System*
What s bartering and what s the p...,
What s the meaning of money 2,
What s the function of money 3
14  cards
Principles of Economics 10.1 - Open Economies and Balance of Payments*
What s international trade 1,
Explain the concept of exchange r...,
What s a nominal exchange rate 3
11  cards
Principles of Economics from Textbook - Measuring a Nation’s Well-Being and the Price Level
What s microeconomics 1,
What s the name for the study of ...,
What s macroeconomics 3
14  cards
MFE 11 - Tips
What are some strategic errors st...,
Summarise what was learned in wee...,
How can exp a b also be expressed 3
31  cards
Principles of Economics 1.2 - Supply & Demand*
What s the law of demand 1,
What does disaggregated level mean 2,
What s the name for the claim tha...
71  cards
Principles of Economics 11 - Tips
What would a change in the level ...,
What is being looked for when it ...,
In a graph of a budget contraint ...
36  cards
Maths For Economics 7: Random Variables Topic 1 - One Random Variable and Its Probability Distribution
Explain what random variables are...,
Describe the simplest non trivial...,
Describe the simplest random vari...
5  cards
Global Economy Lecture 1 - Introduction to Quantitative Economic History*
State the quote by maddison that ...,
Does it make sense to view the wo...,
Describe the recent history of th...
3  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics 1: An Introduction to Statistics, Measurement, and Presentation of Data*
Explain why statistics is importa...,
What s a statistic 2,
What s the name for a number used...
37  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics 2: Describing Data—Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Dispersion*
What are measures of central tend...,
List the measures of central tend...,
What do measures of central tende...
11  cards
Global Economy Lecture 2 - History of Economic Growth
In this lecture we will introduce a number of economic concepts • We will also explain the role of institutions in economics • We will then examine how they interact within an economic history context
2  cards
Global Economy Lecture 3 & 4: Models of Long Run Growth
We will consider different models of long run-growth • We will compare theories and look at some of the evidence
24  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics 3: Random Variables and Probability Distributions
In this topic we will cover: 1 Brief probability review. 2 Random variables. 3 Continuous probability distributions. The uniform distribution. The normal and standard normal distributions. The exponential distribution. 4 Z-scores
5  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics: Topic 5 - Estimation and Confidence Intervals*
Why do we estimate 1,
Describe what makes a good estima...,
When is an estimator bias 3
25  cards
Contemporary Economic Challenges B 2 - Air Pollution
• Air pollution as a policy challenge. • Health costs of air pollution. • Non-health costs of air pollution. • Re-framing of traditional view of environment-economy trade off
6  cards
Global Economy 8: 'The Industrial Revolution - What and When Technological Change'
• We explain what the industrial revolution was and when it happened • Why was Britain first and why was it a revolution? • The role of technological change is discussed and modelled 3 / 38
12  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics: Topic 6 - Hypothesis Testing*
Define hypothesis 1,
What s the name for a statement a...,
Define hypothesis testing 3
18  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics Topic 7: Analysis of Variance
- How to compare variances, for example, to test whether two samples come from populations that have equal variances. - How to test the equality of 3 or more population means. To do this we use an ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance) test. - Both of these tests require use of an F test. This F statistic has an F distribution
4  cards
Global Economy 9: Revolutions in Agriculture and Proto-Industry
- We will examine the “agricultural revolution” • What advances were made and why is there so much disagreement • Was there a proto-industrial revolution? • What was the transition to capitalism?
9  cards
Global Economy 10: The Industrious Revolution
• We will define the “industrious revolution” • Was the industrial revolution demand driven? • We will look at a number of demand driven theories • The theories will be considered against the empirical evidence - perhaps it was not so industrious after all
30  cards
Global Economy 11: The British Empire
• We will examine how the British Empire emerged • Describe the colonial debate and the navigation acts • Understand the impact of trade • Consider the costs and benefits of Britain holding the British West Indies and the 13 States
7  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics: Topic 4 - Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem
Describe explain sampling 1,
What s the name for a process of ...,
List why samples are used 3
9  cards
Contemporary Economic Challenges B 4 - Technology and Jobs
What big questions are commonly a...
1  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics B: Topic 1 - Inequality
Why do we mind inequality 1,
Why is there some evidence betwee...,
Describe the graphical evidence f...
3  cards
Global Economy B: Topic 1 - International Institutions and their Role in the Global Economy
The Demand for global governance: - What are international institutions? - What do we mean by global governance? - What determines the demand for global governance?
11  cards
*Global Economy B: Topic 2 - Corruption and its Global Impact
Part 1: Corruption as a local issue: - Definition and types of corruption - Causes and consequences of corruption Part 2: Corruption as a global issue
5  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics B: Topic 2 - Financial Crisis
2.1 Why do we want to study financial crises 2.2 What is correlated to financial/economic crises? – Deposit insurance, bank capital to asset ratio, non- performing loans to total gross loans ratio
4  cards
Global Economy B: Topic 4 Part 1 - Economics of Immigration and Cultural Diversity
• Who is a migrant? • Characteristics of the immigrants worldwide • Focusing on immigrants in Europe • The role of immigrants for productivity • Diversity of immigrants and innovation • High-skilled immigration, innovation and productivity • Skills mismatch • What next? Take away message
7  cards
Applied Economics & Statistics B: Topic 3 - Experimental Economics
3.1 What is experimental economics? 3.2 Types of experiments in economics – Natural experiment – Field experiment – Lab experiment 3.3 An example 2
4  cards
Global Economy B: Topic 4 Part 2 - Migration and Conflict
A: Global migration trends B: The drivers of migration - Type of migrants - Why do people migrate? Pull and push factors C: Migration and conflict
4  cards
*Global Economy B: Topic 8 - 'Climate Change: Science & Policy'
A: The science: Understanding climate change - Global warming - Greenhouse gases B: Global trends in GHG emissions C: Climate Change: Impacts and Policy The Global Economy
11  cards
Contemporary Economic Challenges B - Biodiversity Loss
Seen some data on the recent rise in non-natural capital and the associated rate of natural capital decline, and seen different perspectives on the economic as well as environmental impact of that loss. Been exposed to the notions of ecosystems services, natural capital, and the characteristics of natural capital that lead to particular challenges for economic modelers. Understood the classic economic theory of species collapse, ecosystem stability and how that relates to the economy. Explored v
4  cards
*Global Economy Lecture 5: Pre modern growth - the Great Divergence WHEN
• This topic examines “when” the great divergence happened • We link this analysis to previous growth models mentioned in the introductory lectures
25  cards
Contemporary Economic Challenges B: 9 & 10 - Should We Trust Empirical Results in Economics Journals?
- Understood the concept of p-value as a measure of statistical significance, and what we might learn from looking at patterns of p-values in an empirical literature. - Discussed the problem and implications of p-hacking, why it arises, and what could be done about it. - Discussed the problem and implications of publication bias, why it arises, and what could be done about it.
3  cards
Global Economy B: Topic 3 - Population Growth
Blank 1
1  cards
Global Economy 13: The Rise of the US
• We will explain the success of the US • We will look at manufacturing productivity, education, access to capital and migration flows
2  cards
Global Economy B: Topic 5 - Inequality
A: Global inequality dynamics - Defining inequality - Measuring inequality - Global trends in inequality: labour and capital income inequality B: Capital in the XXI century
11  cards
Global Economy Lecture 6: Pre modern growth - the Great Divergence WHY
• In this lecture we examine “why” the great divergence happened • We consider the characteristics of the other great powers • The lecture will cover demographics, institutions, and the glorious revolution
8  cards
Maths for Economics 6: Probability and Economics Topic 1 - Uncertainty
Describe the relationship between...,
I am uncertain on which day of th...,
How do we go about answering an u...
7  cards
Maths for Economics 8: Vectors And Matrices In Economics And Finance Topic 1 - Vector Fundamentals
Blank 1
1  cards
Maths for Economics 6: Probability and Economics Topic 2 - From Uncertainty to Probability
Introduce probabilities 1,
What is the law of addition for a...,
Blank 3
3  cards
Maths for Economics 8: Vectors And Matrices In Economics And Finance Topic 2 - Matrix Fundamentals
What s the rule about matrix time...,
What s the rule about matrix mult...,
Describe the terms commutative an...
5  cards
Maths For Economics 7: Random Variables Topic 2 - Two Random Variables And Their Joint Distribution
What are the rules about joint di...,
Blank 2
2  cards
Maths for Economics 10: Complex Numbers In Finance And Economics - Topic 1: Complex Number Fundamentals
State de moivre s formula 1,
State eueler s formula 2,
What s a complex number 3
6  cards
Maths For Economics 7: Random Variables Topic 3 - Dispersion
Define mad 1,
Blank 2
2  cards
Maths for Economics 6: Probability and Economics Topic 3: Information and Conditional Probability
1  cards
Econometrics - What is Econometrics?
What s econometrics 1,
Explain the importance of econome...,
Describe how the methodology in e...
4  cards
Econometrics 1: A Review of Statistical Concepts 1.1 - Random Variables, Distribution and Density Functions
What type of variables are usuall...,
What are the names of the graphs ...,
What do density distribution func...
5  cards
Macroeconomics 1: Long-run Macroeconomics Equilibrium
• The basic approach to long-run macroeconomics • Long-run model of equilibrium : Specifying the supply-side • Production and the production function • Factor market equilibrium in long-run equilibrium
5  cards
Macroeconomics 3: Adding Trade to the Long Run Model
• The Circular Flow of Income for the open economy • Net Exports and the Savings/Investment balance • Net exports, current account and capital flows • Purchasing Power Parity as an explanation of the (Real) Exchange Rate
2  cards
Macroeconomics 4: Long run models for the small and large open economy
• Real interest rates for the small open economy and net capital outflows • The real exchange rate in the small open economy • The long-run model of the small open economy • The long-run model of a large open economy
2  cards
Macroeconomics 5: Using the long-run model
• Share of income to labour and capital and inequality • National savings and real interest rates: Historical and modern perspectives • What do trade restrictions do in the long-run? • Understanding the US Trade Deficit • Policy for the long-run
4  cards
Macroeconomics 6: Money, Prices and Inflation
• Functions of Money • Historical development of money • Measuring money • Banks and the money supply • Controlling the money supply • Money supply experiences (the Great Depression, The Great recession and the Pandemic)
5  cards
Macroeconomics 7: Quantity Theory of Money
• The Quantity Theory of Money • The demand for money and the quantity theory • Money and inflation • The Fisher equation • Uncovered interest parity condition
4  cards
Macroeconomics 8: The costs of inflation
• Costs of expected inflation • Costs of unexpected inflation • Seigniorage and Hyperinflation • The rate of inflation and demand for money • Hyperinflationary experiences
3  cards
Econometrics 2: Bivariate Linear Regression 2.1 - Discussion of the model
What s regression model also know...,
What does it mean when we looked ...,
What does it mean when there s a ...
7  cards
Macroeconomics 9: The basics of Short-run Macroeconomics
• The components of a model of short run macroeconomics • Expectations and shocks in the short run • Aggregate Demand in the short run and the IS Curve for an open economy • Money Market equilibrium in the short run and the LM Curve
6  cards
Macroeconomics 10: Macroeconomic Model for the Small Open Economy
• The Mundell Fleming Model • The exchange rate regime • Capital Market Liberalisation and the Trilemma • From short to long run in the Mundell Fleming Model
1  cards
Microeconomics 1: Introduction and Consumer Theory
 Introduction  What is Microeconomics?  1.1 Consumer choice building blocks: budget constraint, preferences, and utility function;  1.2 Consumer’s optimal choice;  1.3 Consumer demand  (includes Slutsky income-substitution decomposition).  1.4 Revealed preferences
27  cards
Macroeconomics Quiz for Week 1
A competitive profit maximizing f...,
An increase in the supply of capi...,
An increase in the supply of capi...
19  cards
Econometrics 2: Bivariate Linear Regression 2.2 - Fitting the “best” line
Introduce explain best fit line a...,
Introduce explain ols 2
2  cards
Econometrics 2: Bivariate Linear Regression 2.3 - Ordinary Least Squares Estimation
Describe explain the first order ...,
Blank 2
2  cards
Microeconomics 5.1: Intro to Uncertainty; Risk and Insurance
- Uncertainty, expected wealth and expected utility; - Attitudes to risk; - Demand under uncertainty; - Insurance market: “fair” and “unfair” prices.
10  cards
Microeconomics 2: Consumer's Constrained Optimisation
1.1 Consumer choice building blocks: budget constraint, preferences, and utility function (continued). Consumer choice: utility function. 1.2 Consumer's optimal choice 1.3 Consumer demand (part 1)
29  cards
Econometrics 7: Dummy Variables
What are dummy variables 1,
Using an example where we re inte...,
Describe dummy variables for mult...
3  cards
Macroeconomics 11: Using the Mundell Fleming model
• Fiscal and monetary policy under fixed exchange rates • Fiscal and Monetary Policy under flexible exchange rates • Trade Policy under fixed exchange rates • Introducing the risk premium into the Mundell Fleming model • The short run impact of Brexit
1  cards
Microeconomics 3: Income-Substitution Effect (Slutsky), Revealed Preferences and Edgeworth box
Introduction  1.1 Consumer choice building blocks: budget constraint, preferences, and utility function;  1.2 Consumer’s optimal choice;  1.3 Consumer demand  Income effect;  Price effect;  Slutsky income and substitution effect.
17  cards
Macroeconomics 12: Short Run Macroeconomics of the Large Open Economy
• Building a short run model of the large open economy • Policy in the short run for the large open economy • The impact of uncertainty
1  cards
Macroeconomics Week 4: Short-Run Aggregate Supply and the Phillips Curve
Describe interpret the simple rep...,
What can we derive from the new s...,
What does the phillips curve show 3
7  cards
Macroeconomics 29: Economic growth in long-run equilibrium (The Basic Solow Model)
• Production function in per worker terms • Household behaviour • Capital stock and dynamics • Defining the Balanced Growth Path/Steady State • Changing savings in the Solow Model
2  cards
Microeconomics 7: Technology, production and costs
– Technology and the production function – Isoquants and isocost lines – Examples of technology – Returns to scale – Cost minimisation – Cost curves
5  cards
Macroeconomics Week 7: Alternative Perspectives on Stabilisation Policy
Describe the 2 views for this que...,
Are rules for government policy a...,
Is discretion for government poli...
5  cards
Microeconomics 10: Game theory and Oligopoly
• This week we start by introducing some concepts in game theory, the analysis of strategic interaction • Game theory can cover interactions between individuals, firms or governments. The games we are going to be most interested in this week are between firms competing in oligopoly. • This will allow us to analyse a number of different models of oligopoly.
7  cards
Microeconomics Quiz W1: Budget Constraint and Preferences
What s the equation for the budge...,
If we say if a is preferred to b ...,
Describe the three assumptions re...
6  cards
Microeconomics 9: Monopoly, price discrimination and monopolistic competition
• Monopoly charging a single price – Elasticity and markup pricing – Linear demand case – Efficiency and welfare • Price discrimination – First degree – Third degree – Linear demand example • Monopolistic competition
5  cards
Microeconomics 5.2: Asymmetric Information
We cover the following issues related to asymmetric information – The market for lemons – Quality choice – Adverse selection and moral hazard – Signalling
2  cards
Macroeconomics Week 10: Government Debt and Budget Deficits
Blank 1
1  cards
Microeconomics Quiz W7: Technology, Production and Costs
Describe explain whether the foll...
1  cards
China & the World Economy 1.1: Historical China 1 - Introduction
Blank 1
1  cards
China & the World Economy 1.1: Historical China 2 - China's Historical Development
What was china like 3000 years ago 1,
Which 2 chinese groups and when w...
2  cards
China & the World Economy 1.2: China as a Developmental State
Blank 1
1  cards
Behavioural Economics 1.1 Introducing behavioural and experimental economics
0  cards
Financial Markets and Institutions 1: Overview of the financial system
1 Money 2 Financial instruments 3 Financial markets 4 Financial institutions 5 Central banks
19  cards
China & the World Economy 2: China & The World Economy A 1 - China’s International Trade and US-China Relations
Blank 1
1  cards
Financial Markets and Institutions 2: The meaning of interest rates
What s the role of interest rates 1,
Describe future value 2
2  cards
Financial Markets and Institutions 3: Measures of risk
Describe the definition of risk 1,
What does probability theory stat...,
Describe what probability is 3
3  cards
China & the World Economy 5.1 and 5.2: China's growth, past, present and future
• China’s growth since 1990 in graphs • Key features of China’s recent growth • Policy to promote growth • Explaining China’s past growth using the Solow Model • Using Growth Accounting to explain China’s growth • China’s future growth
2  cards
Financial Markets and Institutions 6: The Stock Market and the Market Microstructure
Describe the essential characteri...,
Describe stockholders relationshi...,
What does it mean when a firm goe...
7  cards
Guild Elections
Guild president role 1,
Sameera bindhu nair 2,
Atul ruhal 3
14  cards
Financial Markets and Institutions Week 8: Lecture 2 - Financial Institutions
• Economics Analysis of financial structure • Economics Analysis of Financial Regulations • Banking Structure and Competition
1  cards

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