This class was created by Brainscape user Madison Johnson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Rocks and Minerals
What are the 4 characteristics th...,
What is the difference between a ...,
What are 5 methods used to identi...
83  cards
Locating the epicenter of an eart...,
Locating the epicenter of an eart...,
Locating the epicenter of an eart...
34  cards
Tectonic Plates
Why does melting take place at di...,
Why does melting take place at co...,
Where is the oldest and newest oc...
39  cards
Interior of the Earth
How do we know about the structur...,
Order of earths interior layers,
Coldest interior layer of earth
46  cards
Air Pressure and Wind
What is air pressure do,
What is the weight of the atmosph...,
How does a mercury barometer work
43  cards
Moisture in the Atmosphere
Specific humidity,
Relative humidity,
64  cards
What is a balanced heat budget,
Why does any object that is recei...,
How much solar energy is reflecte...
31  cards
What weighs more a pound of lead ...,
What weighs more a pound of lead ...,
What has more mass a pound of lea...
10  cards
Earth's Atmosphere
What is weather what factors can ...,
What is climate,
What is meteorology
41  cards
The Moon
How old is the moon,
How far away is the moon from the...,
How large is the moon relative to...
47  cards
Earth Motions, Latitude / Longitude, and the Seasons
How can you determine your latitude,
How does the location of polaris ...,
Where is polaris in the skies abo...
51  cards
Space History Notes
Galileo galilei,
What did observers realize in 160...,
Charles messier
63  cards
Chapter 30: Stars
What is a star,
What are spectrographs,
What is a spectrum
87  cards
Solar System
Explain the nebula hypothesis,
What are the basic components of ...,
How were the planets created from...
50  cards
Origin of the Solar System
What gases are in a nebula,
What is the dust in a nebula made...
16  cards
The Age of the Earth + Scientific Method
James ussher,
James hutton and charles lyell,
8  cards

More about
earth science

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