This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Collins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Neurocognitive disorders
What are the 6 neurocognitive dom...,
Sustained attention,
Selective attention
100  cards
Bipolar and related disorders
Main diagnostic criteria for bipo...,
Manic episode criteria,
Difference between mania and hypo...
43  cards
Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
What is a delusion,
Persecutory delusion,
Referential delusion
61  cards
Trauma and stress
Main characteristic of reactive a...,
Social emotional disturbance crit...,
Manifestations of patterns of ext...
59  cards
Personality disorders
What are the cluster a personalit...,
What are the cluster b personalit...,
What are the cluster c personalit...
39  cards
Depressive disorders
Diagnostic criteria for disruptiv...,
How long must symptoms be present...,
What age range can be diagnosed w...
45  cards
Anxiety Disorders
General definition of separation ...,
Anxiety disorders most often asso...,
8 potential manifestations of sep...
55  cards
OCD disorders
Diagnostic criteria for ocd,
Specifiers for ocd,
What are the most common obsessiv...
21  cards
sleep/wake disorders
Rem sleep,
Nrem stage 1,
Nrem stage 2
91  cards
sexual dysfunction and gender dysphoria
Diagnostic criteria for delayed e...,
2 possible manifestations of dela...,
Specifiers for delayed ejaculation
31  cards
Autism and ADHD
What are the 3 deficits that must...,
What are the 3 deficits that must...,
What are the specifiers for autis...
24  cards
Learning and motor disorders
6 possible areas of difficulty fo...,
How many areas of difficulty must...,
How severe do learning difficulti...
46  cards
intellectual and communication disorder
Basic definition of intellectual ...,
What three criteria have to be me...,
What determines severity of intel...
32  cards
Feeding and Elimination disorders
Diagnostic criteria for pica,
How old does someone have to be b...,
What are some things that can be ...
57  cards
Impulse control and conduct disorders
Basic definition of odd,
How long do symptoms have to pers...,
How many manifestations does ther...
45  cards
Substance use
8 possible symptoms of pcp intoxi...,
How many symptoms must be present...,
Universal substance use criteria
6  cards

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Looking for something else?

Diagnosis (DSM-5 and beyond)
  • 5 decks
  • 321 flashcards
  • 77 learners
Decks: Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum And Other Psychot, Bipolar And Related Disorders, And more!
  • 9 decks
  • 107 flashcards
  • 24 learners
Decks: Trastornos Del Sueno Y Vigilia, Trastornos Sexuales Y De La Identidad Se, Dsm 5 Trastornos Del Control De Los Impu, And more!
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