digestive mbchb 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Calum Macindoe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Lecture One; GI function overview
What is the function of the gi tract,
Whats the typical volume of fluid...,
What is the embryological origin ...
17  cards
Lecture 2; Anterior abdominal wall and peritoneum
27  cards
Lecture 3; Gastric digestion and diseases of the stomach.
What does gastric digestion begin...,
What generates saliva production,
What are the contents of saliva
52  cards
Lecture 4: Development of the gut
What are the foregut structures,
What are the midgut structures,
What are the hindgut structures
28  cards
Lecture 5; Nutrition and health.
What is nutrition,
What is diet,
How does nutrition impact disease
10  cards
Lecture 6; Oesophageal function
Describe the oesophagus,
Are sphincters generally closed o...,
Describe the process of swallowin...
44  cards
Lecture 7; Anatomy of the gut, ANS and blood supply
42  cards
Lecture 8; Salivary glands, oesophagus and stomach microanatomy
What are the mucosal specialisations,
What are the tunics,
Describe the mucosal function
41  cards
Lecture 9: Nutrition assessment
What is nutritional status,
How can nutritional status be mea...,
How can nutrition be integrated i...
18  cards
Lecture 10: Vitamin B12 Deficiency
What is another name for vitamin b12,
Describe b12 function and role in...,
What is the source of vit b12 in ...
26  cards
Lecture 11: Intestine microanatomy
What is the name of the folds in ...,
What increases the sa of the dige...,
Describe an isolated villus
38  cards
Lecture 12: Fat nutrition, digestion and absorption
What are the lipids in the diet,
How much energy does fat supply,
What does a triglyceride consist of
27  cards
Lecture 13: Protein nutrition, digestion and absorption
What is the role of proteins in t...,
Describe the constituents of a am...,
How many amino acids are there
24  cards
Lecture 14 (Part A): Liver and Biliary system
Whats the diverse function of the...,
What is the dual blood supply of ...,
Describe the location of the live...
43  cards
Lecture 14 (Part B): Pancreas and liver microanatomy
How do islets of lagnerhan stain,
How do pancreatic acinii stain,
Describe the structure of pancrea...
4  cards
Lecture 15: Tutorial
0  cards
Lecture 16: Carbohydrate nutrition, digestion and absorption
What are the key concepts of cho ...,
What are the classes of sugars,
What does cho digestion begin wit...
14  cards
Lecture 17: Liver Pathology
What is the normal weight of the ...,
What is the porta hepatis,
What are the anatomical divisions...
26  cards
Lecture 18: Test of Liver Function
What are the four key enzymes of ...,
What are some biomarkers of liver...,
What are the two patters of liver...
33  cards
Lecture 19; Control of pancreatic and biliary secretions
What is the role of the duodenum,
How does the duodenum detect its ...,
What do i s and enterochromaffin ...
34  cards
Lecture 20; Pancreas, spleen and portal system
Describe the parts of the pancreas,
What does the uncinate process wr...,
What does the neck of pancreas li...
19  cards
Lecture 21; Vitamins
What is rdi based on,
When it comes to vitamins and rdi...,
What makes vitamins dangerous ie ...
27  cards
Lecture 22; Minerals
What are the major iron containin...,
In brief describe iron homeostasis,
Describe iron bioavailability
19  cards
Lecture 23; Pancreatic and gallbladder pathology
Describe the examination of pancreas,
What can the functions of the pan...,
Describe the cellular structure o...
45  cards
Lecture 24; Tumours of the colon
What are the benign and malignant...,
What is a polyp,
How is the nature of polyps deter...
22  cards
Lecture 25; Intestinal fluid and electrolyte balance
What increases the sa of the si,
What increases the sa of the li,
What are the primary secretions o...
32  cards
Lecture 26; Nutrition in infancy and childhood
What are nutritional requirements...,
How does growth change over time,
What happens in the first year of...
18  cards
Lecture 27; Radiology
0  cards
Lecture 28; Diarrhoea
Whats important in defining diarr...,
What is acute vs chronic defined as,
What are the causes of acute diar...
20  cards
Lecture 29; IBS and IBD
What are functional gut disorders,
Whats found in functional gut dis...,
What does the lack of pathology m...
35  cards
Lecture 30: Coeliac Disease
What happens in coeliac disease,
What can coeliac disease lead to,
What kind of diarrhoea can coelia...
7  cards

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digestive mbchb 2

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