This class was created by Brainscape user Charity Lane. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Lecture 8 - Prenatal Development
What is the largest cell in the h...,
What is interphase and is it a pa...,
What are homologous chromosomes
32  cards
Lecture 9 - Brain Development
What is the enteric nervous system,
What percentage of serotonin is f...,
How many neurotrasnmitters are us...
33  cards
Lecture 5 - Human Genetics Part 1
What is a phenotype and influence...,
How many chromosomes do somatic b...,
What makes two chromosomes a pair
21  cards
Lecture 6 - Human Genetics Part 2
What are some ways genetics can c...,
What is tay sachs disease and whi...,
How has screening for the hexa mu...
22  cards
Lecture 7 - Environmental Influences on DNA, Inheritance, and Gene Expression
Can the environment have a direct...,
What is an example of how a child...,
What are the top 10 replicated fi...
5  cards
Lecture 10 - Cognitive Theories: Application of Theory to Practice
In piaget s theory what do assimi...,
What is a schema and how does pia...,
What are the four stages of cogni...
24  cards
Lecture 11 - Intelligence and Academic Abilities
What is one of the main questions...,
What does hoffnung book define in...,
What are some of the benefits and...
21  cards
Lecture 12 - Cognitive Development: Infant Competencies
In the living child cognitive emo...,
Information processing theory put...,
What is infancy
41  cards
Lecture 15 - Language: Foundations
What are some theories about how ...,
What is one of the main questions...,
What areas in the brain are langu...
32  cards
Lecture 16 - Language: Phonology and Word Segmentation
What is a phoneme,
What are vowels,
What are consenants
21  cards
Lecture 17 - Language: Words and Syntax
At what age do infants start to l...,
At what age to infants children h...,
How do children use fast mapping ...
8  cards
Lecture 18 - Social and Emotional Development: Understanding Self and Other
What is self concept,
Is self concept the same as identity,
Physical internal and social doma...
35  cards
Lecture 19 - Social and Development 2: Development with Peers
What are two major social context...,
What is position of oliver james ...,
In regards to child development w...
27  cards
Lecture 20 - Social and Emotional Development 3: Development within The Family
Can the family be seen as a dynam...,
Why is the child s first caregive...,
What are the short term consequen...
31  cards
Lecture 21 - Social and Emotional Development 4: Emotional Regulation and Temperament
What is emotion,
What some theories about why we h...,
Are feelings subjective
34  cards
Questions from all areas of the course
What are some of the developmenta...,
What are some of the limitations ...
2  cards
Lecture 22 - Social and Emotional Development 5: Family, Peers and Emotion
Who proposed and developed the bi...,
What are the four systems that in...,
Explain what is included in the f...
26  cards
Lecture 13 - Cognitive Development - Core Knowledge Theories
What is a key difference between ...,
When does the cognitive ability o...,
By the end of the sensorimotor st...
22  cards
Lecture 2 - Psychosocial Development
How many stages are there in erik...,
What are the stages of erikson s ...,
What is the dialectic pair that r...
10  cards
Lecture 3 - Theory of Mind
At what age do most children not ...,
Is lying an example of tom
2  cards
Lecture 4 - Chi-Squared Analysis
What are three types of categoric...,
What are two types of continuous ...,
Chi squared analysis is based on ...
13  cards

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developmental psychology

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