This class was created by Brainscape user martha cogan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (51)

ac 1.1
What is the social definition of ...,
Legal illegal cronies,
Illegal legal
20  cards
What is lombrosos theory,
What does lombrosos theory state,
What does lombrosos compare crimi...
24  cards
What is his theory,
What does his theory state,
Who did sheldon s theory advance ...
17  cards
XYY theory
What is the theory,
What does the theory state,
How can you test for the extra y ...
15  cards
twin studys
What type of theory is twin study s,
Describe dizygotic twins,
Describe monozygotic twins
18  cards
adoption studies
What is this theory,
What does this study do,
What was hutchings and mednicks aim
13  cards
What was the original idea for eu...,
Why and when was eugenics discred...,
What theories supports eugenics
12  cards
What is used to control alcohol a...,
What drug is used for drug addict...,
What drugs are used for sex offen...
17  cards
What are surgical castrations,
What is a lobotomy,
What is the brain abnormality theory
9  cards
death penalty
What does amnesty international stat,
How many countries have abolished...,
What year saw the temporary aboli...
15  cards
policys and their theorys
4  cards
What type of theory is freudian t...,
Describe what is meant by psychod...,
Describe frauds ice burg analogy
17  cards
What theory is it,
What is bowlbys theory,
What is the aim in 44 juvenile th...
10  cards
hans eysenck
What theory is it,
What did hans eysenck do,
Why are certain personality trait...
11  cards
What theory is it,
What does banduras theory suggest,
Describe the bobo doll experiment
13  cards
What theory is it,
What does the theory state,
What is behaviourism
14  cards
What theory is it,
What do congnitive theories argue,
What does his theory state
6  cards
Who founded this policy,
What does this involve,
What does it aim to access
9  cards
operant learning and token economies
What is this influenced by,
What is the underpinning principle,
What does
12  cards
aversion therapy
What type of offenders does it fo...,
What does it involve,
What does this theory link to and...
8  cards
CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy
What does this theory aim to do,
What theroy influenced it,
What do offenders have that lead ...
17  cards
What is a structural theory,
What does functionalism focus on,
What do functionalists believe to...
6  cards
durkheims theory
How does durkheim see society,
When does durkheim say crime occurs
18  cards
merton - strain theory
What is theory,
Where does the root cause of crim...,
What does he focus on
17  cards
What type of theory is it,
What does a structural theory mean,
How does it differ from functiona...
7  cards
capitalism is criminogenic
What theory is it,
What does this theory state,
What is capitalism based on
9  cards
law making and selective law enforcement
What theory is it,
How does marxists see law making,
What does chambliss argue and exa...
6  cards
ideological functions of the law
What theory is it,
What is the defintion of an ideology,
What is selective enforcement
5  cards
marxism - strengths and weaknesses
Strength what does marxism demons...,
Strength what does it highlight t...
6  cards
interactionist theories
What do interactiontionists see o...,
What is crime and criminals
2  cards
howard beckers labelling theory
What is stage one,
What is stage two,
What is stage three
3  cards
crime is a social construct
What theory is it,
What is meant by crime being a so...
2  cards
differential enforcement of the law
What theory is it,
What do agencies of social contro...,
What did pilliavin and briar find
6  cards
labelling and the self fulfilling prophecy
What theory is it,
What does elmer s argue,
Who distinguished primary and sec...
13  cards
interactionism and crime statistics
What do interactionist reject the...,
What is a stat for the dark figur...,
How much more likely are black pe...
4  cards
interactionist - strengths and weaknesses
Strengths what does it highlight,
Strength what does it highlight t...,
Strength what does it acknowledge
6  cards
right realism and comparing realism
What outlook do they have,
What political outlook do they have,
What do they favour
13  cards
biological differences
What theory is it,
What do wilson and hernstein argue,
How does this theory differ from xyy
4  cards
inadequate socialisation
What theory is it,
What does effective socialisation...,
What family do right realists see...
11  cards
rational choice theory
What theory is it,
What does it assume,
What makes people more likely to ...
5  cards
right realism strengths and weaknesses
Strength what study supports it l...,
Strength what does it offer link ...,
Strength how may wilson and herns...
6  cards
left realism
What does it focus on,
What view does it share how can t...,
What view do they take
11  cards
relative deprivation
What theory is it,
What is relative deprivation,
Why do people resort to crime
3  cards
What theory is it,
What is a subculture,
What do left realists believe a s...
7  cards
What theory is it left realism,
What is it also referred to,
When does marginalisation occur
4  cards
strengths and weaknesses of left realism
Strength what does it draw the im...,
Strength what does it recognise,
Strength what theories is it simi...
6  cards
diversion policies
What theories does this policy co...,
What does it aim to do,
What are the only offences this p...
12  cards
penal populism and imprisonment
What theories does this policy co...,
What is penal populism,
What theory is it influenced by
18  cards
policys to reduce inequality
What policy is it,
How do left realists think they c...,
What do some of the policys advoc...
4  cards
democratic policing
What policy is it,
What is military policing and wha...,
Who does the police work with for...
4  cards
left realism policy's strengths and weaknesses
1  cards

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criminology unit two

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