criminology a-level

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie Bacon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

Unit 2 - Criminological Theories - 1.1 Compare criminal behaviour and deviance
Define values,
Define norms,
Give an example of a value found ...
47  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 1.2 Explain the social construction of criminality
What is meant by social construction,
Explain how the social constructi...,
How laws change from culture to c...
46  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 2.1 Describe biological theories of criminality
Physiological theories lombrossos...,
What research did lombrosso carry...,
What did lombrosso conclude from ...
70  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 2.2 Describe individualistic theories of criminality
Psychodynamic theories psychoanal...,
What three elements make up the h...,
What is the id
70  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 2.3 Describe sociological theories of criminality
What is the basic idea behind soc...,
Briefly explain the focus of stru...,
Durkheim s functionalist theoryho...
83  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of criminological theories to explain causes of crime
Evaluating biological theories ph...,
Clearly explain the 4 strengths o...,
Clearly explain the 3 limitations...
72  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 4.1 Assess the use of criminological theories in informing policy development
Biological theories influencing p...,
What kinds of policies would biol...,
Give three examples of biochemica...
95  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 4.2 Explain how social changes affect policy development
Social values norms and moreswhat...,
What are norms,
Give an example of an informal norm
48  cards
Unit 2 - Criminological theories - 4.3 Discuss how campaigns affect policy making
Newspaper campaigns to affect pol...,
Briefly describe the role of the ...,
What was introduced as a result o...
31  cards

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criminology a-level

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