counseling theories cornett jbu

This class was created by Brainscape user Marcia McCullough. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Psychoanalytic Therapy (Week 2)
What is eros libido,
What is thanatos,
What is repression
34  cards
Psychodynamic Therapies (Week 3))
Key focus of psychodynamic theory,
Adlerian inferiority,
Adlerian striving for superiority
49  cards
Existential Therapies (Week 4)
Ludwig binswangermedard bossrollo...,
James bugentalirving yalomkirk sc...,
In existential therapy problems o...
20  cards
Person-Centered Therapy (Week 5)
Father of person centered therapy,
There is a gap between who we rea...,
Incongruence can be caused by a l...
17  cards
Gestalt Therapy (Week 6)
Key figures,
In contact,
Awareness in gestalt theory
13  cards
Behavior Therapy (Week 7)
What are some key figures in beha...,
What is the concept of learned be...,
What are the elements of behavior...
18  cards
Cognitive Therapy (Week 8)
Which way of thinking better prom...,
Who are the key figures in cognit...,
What do problems reflect in cogni...
25  cards
Third-Wave Therapies (Week 9)
Who are the key figures in accept...,
What is the key focus of acceptan...,
What are some signs of psychologi...
10  cards
Systemic Therapy (Week 10)
What is the key focus of systemic...,
What is the interactional cycle i...,
What are family rules in systemic...
23  cards
Feminist and Multicultural Therapies (Week 11)
Who were key members of the femin...,
Who were key members of the multi...,
What is the key focus of feminist...
23  cards
Solution-Focused and Narrative Therapy (Week 12)
Who are the key figures in soluti...,
Who are the key figures in narrat...,
What is the key focus of solution...
25  cards
Theories & Theorist
17  cards
Theory in 5 words or less
Psychoanalytic psychodynamic,
Feminist multicultural
5  cards
Therapeutic Relationship
Person centered,
8  cards
Goals in Each Theory
Person centered,
9  cards

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counseling theories cornett jbu

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