This class was created by Brainscape user C Curran. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

The State
What is defined as a state,
What is a modern state,
What is rule of law
21  cards
Why is ideology significant,
What is ideology,
What relationships of ideology en...
18  cards
What is a regime,
What are institutions,
What is government
28  cards
What is democrazitation,
What are the stages of democratiz...,
What is democratic transition
19  cards
Democratic Transitions and Revolutions
Individual actors in agency based...,
When are democratic transitions m...,
What is o donnell schmitter agenc...
24  cards
Totalitarian Regime
Both authoritarian and totalitari...,
Are totalitarian and authoritaria...,
Examples of totalitarian regimes
16  cards
Authoritarian Regimes
What are characteristics of autho...,
What is meant by limited pluralism,
What is meant by a limited plural...
37  cards
Hybrid Regimes
Illiberal democracies are what,
Democracy and liberalism,
What are liberal autocracy
5  cards
Competitive Authoritarianism
Defintion of competitive authorit...,
Why are ca not fully demoractic,
Why are ca not fully authoritarian
14  cards
Political Parties
Types of party systems,
What are one party systems,
What are dominant party systems
21  cards
Electoral Systems
Why should we care about electora...,
Electoral college,
Types of electoral systems
16  cards
Parliamentary and Presidential Systems
Legistlative powers,
What are the pros of presidential...,
What are the cons of presidential...
10  cards
Why historically bicameralism,
Why empirically bicameralism,
Unicameral vs bicameral in law pa...
15  cards
What are unitary systems,
What are examples of unitary systems,
What are features of unitary systems
12  cards
What is a nation,
What are things of idetity,
What is a nation according to and...
20  cards
Radical Right Parties
Which countries have radical righ...,
What do some radical right partie...,
What does radical right mean
22  cards
What is challenge with populism,
Define populism,
What are the key characteriscs of...
11  cards
Ethnic parties,
What is the goal of ethnic parties,
What are the conditions of ethnic...
15  cards
women in politics
Representation of women,
Social movements
2  cards
2020 new zealand elections
1  cards

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comparative politics

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