This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Clayton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Ethics in psychological research
Ethical issue,
What is bps and what do they do,
Bps code of ethics and conduct 2009
23  cards
research methods - cog
Cognitive approach,
What is an experiment,
65  cards
H. M
Why did hm have a partial lobotomy,
What effects did the partial lobo...,
Which part of hms brain was removed
21  cards
Functions of the brain
Basal ganglia,
6  cards
Baddeley (1966B)
Experiment 1,
Experiment 2,
Experiment 3
15  cards
The Multi Store Model
What are flashbulb memories,
How do flashbulb memories dispute...,
Who created the msm
20  cards
The Working Memory Model
Who made this model,
What type of memory is it for,
Word length effect
20  cards
Sebastian and Hernandes Gill
What year did this study take place,
How did they use their previous f...
25  cards
Tulvings theory of LTM
What was tulvings aim,
What 2 memory stores did he split...,
What is semantic memory
14  cards
Reconstructive theory of memory - Bartlett
Main assumptions,
Why does info change in the ltm,
20  cards
Key Question
What is the key question,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What causes alzheimer s disease
26  cards
Experimental hypothesis,
Null hypothesis,
The 2 types of experimental hypot...
25  cards
K. F.
What caused kf s brain damage,
Which lobe did kf damage,
Which part of hf s memory was not...
9  cards
Loftus & Palmer - Supporting evidence for Bartlett
Which study is loftus and palmer ...,
What year did the study take place,
10  cards
Key Question - Dementia
What is the key question,
What is the prevalence of dementi...,
What is the prevalence of dementi...
4  cards

More about
cognitive psychology

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