cmb1004-cell biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Madelaine King. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

CMB1004/L01 Eukaryotic Cells
Name the 3 domains of life,
What can all life forms on earth ...,
What theory encompasses the funda...
32  cards
CMB1004/L02 Cell Membranes
Name 2 common lipids in eukaryotes,
Name 3 of the 4 major phospholipids,
Why does membrane fluidity need t...
31  cards
CMB1004/L03 Intracellular Compartments
Give the 3 major types of transport,
Give 2 examples of signal sequences,
Where are signal sequences targeted
39  cards
CMB1004/L04 Cytoskeleton
Name the 4 cytoskeletal filaments,
Give 3 functions of the cytoskeleton,
Where are intermediate filaments ...
47  cards
CMB1004/L05 Cell Cycle
What are the products of meiosis,
What are the products of mitosis,
In prokaryotes what are the 2 pha...
41  cards
CMB1004/L06 Transport I
Where did life likely originate,
What separates blood from cells,
What type of molecule cannot diff...
18  cards
CMB1004/L07 Transport II
What are the 2 major classes of t...,
Describe how carrier proteins work,
Describe how channel proteins work
15  cards
CMB1004/L08 Membrane Potentials
Name the 4 regions of neurones,
What does the axon terminal synap...,
Name the 2 excitable cells
14  cards
CMB1004/L09 Action Potential
Name the 3 phases to action poten...,
Name the 2 voltage gated channels...,
What is the voltage at which all ...
12  cards
CMB1004/L10 Signal Transmission
What is the velocity of an action...,
How can signal transmission speed...,
What occurs at nodes of ranvier
20  cards
CMB1004/L11 Muscle Contraction
What are muscle fibres made up of,
What are the stripe like repeatin...,
What are the lines between sarcom...
33  cards
CMB1004/L12 CNS & PNS
What makes up for central nervous...,
What makes up the peripheral nerv...,
Name the 3 functional types of ne...
20  cards
CMB1004/L13 Functional Neuronal Pathways
Describe divergence,
Describe convergence,
Describe spatial summation
27  cards
CMB1004/L14 Cell Communication
Where is information transferred ...,
Why is cell signalling used 2,
Give 5 examples of cell signalling
20  cards
CMB1004/L15 Cell Signalling I
What is the purpose of ion channe...,
What is the purpose of g protein ...,
What is the purpose of enzyme cou...
22  cards
CMB1004/L16 Cell Signalling II
What is the role of phospholipase c,
Why is pip2 cleaved by phospholip...,
What is the role of ip3
31  cards
CMB1004/L17 Regulation of Signalling Pathways
Give 2 ways in which different ce...,
How does skeletal muscle and hear...,
Describe the action of no recepto...
17  cards
CMB1004/L18 Life in Water
Why does water have an unusually ...,
What determine solubility in water,
What is a major driver of protein...
13  cards
CMB1004/L19 Thermodynamics I
What is osmolarity,
What occurs when a cell is placed...,
What occurs when a cell is placed...
11  cards
CMB1004/L20 Thermodynamics II
What is the boltzmann formula,
What are microstates,
How many microstates are possible...
12  cards
CMB1004/L21 Reaction Kinetics
What does the maxwell boltzmann d...,
What 2 factors does particle spee...,
What is the equation for kinetic ...
11  cards
CMB1004/L22 Acids, Bases & Buffers
What do water molecules dissociat...,
What is the equation for equilibr...,
What is the equation for ph
19  cards
CMB1004/L23 Electro-osmotic Effects in Cells
What is the equation for the gibb...,
What equation gives the chemical ...,
What is rtln a
18  cards
CMB1004/L24 Biophysics Revision
What is the equation for rate of ...,
What is the equation for the equi...,
What is the equation for the acid...
13  cards
CMB1004/L25 Endocrinology
Describe hormonal control of body...,
Describe gap junctions specificity,
Describe synaptic transmission sp...
36  cards
CMB1004/L26 Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland
What type of hormones are release...,
Describe the structure of the hyp...,
What origin does the anterior pit...
23  cards
CMB1004/L27 Thyroid
Give 4 roles of the thyroid,
What effect can the thyroid have ...,
What effect can the thyroid have ...
29  cards
CMB1004/L28 Adrenal Glands
Describe the location of the adre...,
What is the combined weight of ad...,
What kind of hormones are produce...
32  cards
CMB1004/L29 Reproductive System
What hormones are released by the...,
What hormones do ovaries secrete,
Name the 2 types of gametogenesis
29  cards
CMB1004/L30 Applied Endocrinology
Define steroid hormones,
Why are steroid hormones difficul...,
Why do steroid hormones generally...
21  cards

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cmb1004-cell biology

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