This class was created by Brainscape user Zita van Ballegooijen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Ch 1: How has clinical neuropsychology evolved?
Rene descartes 1596 1650,
Franz joseph gall 1758 1828,
What is cell theory
13  cards
Ch 2: How does neuropsychology work in practice
Diagnostic cycle four stages,
Fixed battery of tests,
Flexible test battery
10  cards
Ch. 3 What is a scientific approach to neuropsychology
Single dissociation,
Double dissociation
6  cards
Ch 4: How can the brain be mapped
Ct scan,
Spect or pet,
Mri meg and eros
18  cards
Ch 5: How does the treatment and recovery work
Negative symptoms,
Positive symptoms,
Restorative approach
8  cards
Ch 6: What is visual perception
Lower order visual information,
Higher order visual information,
24  cards
Ch 7: What is spatial cognition
Spatial attention,
Posners attention model covert overt,
Egocentric view
23  cards
Ch 8: How does memory work
Declarative explicit memory,
Non declarative implicit memory,
Baddeleys working memory model
19  cards
Ch 9: How is language viewed from neuropsychology perspective
Crystal language is 3,
The mental lexicon,
28  cards
Ch 10: How are attention and executive functions structured
Broadbent s bottleneck theory,
Behavioural and task level two as...,
Shiffrin and schneider two inform...
12  cards
Ch 11: What are the working mechanisms of emotion and social cognition
Sadness anger,
21  cards
Ch 12: How do motor control and action work
Motor skills are important to a n...,
Forward models movement,
What is motor planning
10  cards
Ch 13: What is intelligence
Spearman g factor,
Thurstone 7 primary mental abilities
15  cards
Ch 14: What are cerebrovascular diseases
What is a cerebrovascular disease...,
Infarct aetiology,
Tia transient ischemic attack
16  cards
Ch 15: What is traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injury,
Post traumatic amnesia pta,
Tbi primary damage
11  cards
Ch 16: What is epilepsy
Epilepsy clinical picture,
Tonic clonic seizure,
Partial epilepsy types of causes
12  cards
Ch 17: What are intracranial and extra cranial tumors
Primary brain tumor,
Secondary brain tumor,
Slow growing tumor eg low grade g...
15  cards
Ch 18: What alcohol-related cognitive impairments occur
Alcohol related disorders 3 simul...,
Alcohol acute effects,
Alcohol neurotoxicity
10  cards
Ch 19: What is Alzheimer disease
Double aging,
Alzheimer risk factors,
Alzheimer diagnosis
12  cards
Ch 20: What is frontotemporal dementia
Frontotemporal dementia 3 types,
Behavioural variant frontotempora...,
Bv ftd most important behavioural...
9  cards
Ch 21: What disorders belong to the Parkinson spectrum
Parkinson 4 motor symptoms,
Parkinson non motor symptoms
11  cards
Ch 22: What is Huntington's disease
Huntington development,
Huntington neuropathology
9  cards
Ch 23: What is multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis ms,
Ms clinical picture,
Ms 3 subtypes
8  cards
Ch 24: What is schizophrenia
Bleulers four a s,
Schizophrenia 3 categories,
Schizophrenia aetiology
10  cards
Ch. 25 What are depression and bipolar disporder
Depression cognitive impairments,
Mania cognitive impairments,
Lithium bipolar disorder
7  cards
Ch 26: What are autism spectrum disorders
0  cards
Ch 27: What is psychopathy
0  cards

More about
clinical neuropsychology

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