clinical biochemistry: introduction to clinical biochemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Kofi Antwi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

What are the endocrine galnds,
Define endocrine autocrine paracrine,
Which processes are controlled by...
28  cards
Heart and Lung Physiology
What is the function of the cardi...,
What are the cells making up the ...,
Describe the electrical activity ...
46  cards
Pancreas and GI Tract Physiology
Decribe the gi tract,
What are the functions of the gi ...,
How is gi tract function regulated
30  cards
Structure and Function of the Liver
What is the blood supply for liver,
What makes up the vessels in the ...,
What is the function of the liver
33  cards
Acid Base Balance
How do acids and bases behave,
What are conjugate acids and bases,
What is the definition of ph
27  cards
Kidney Structure and Function
What is the gross anatomy of the ...,
What are some functions of the ki...,
What is the renal blood supply
18  cards
Basic Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis
What are the fluid compartments o...,
What are the cations within the body,
What are the anions within the body
31  cards
Assessment of Renal Function
What are the main functions of,
What are symptoms of kidney disease,
What are some laboratory investig...
36  cards
Common GI Tract disorders
What is diarrhoea,
What are,
What are the different types of d...
30  cards
Parathyroid, Vitamin D and Bone
Which hormones regulate calcium,
Which cells are used to secrete p...
25  cards
Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium
What are functions of calcium,
What are the different forms of c...,
Why is calicum reported as adjust...
25  cards

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clinical biochemistry: introduction to clinical biochemistry

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