This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Carbon- Cycle
Keeling curve,
How much of warming is attributed...,
Who was the first to note the cor...
28  cards
Atmosphere - Chemistry
What is the composition for atmos...,
What are the other trace gases,
13  cards
Atmosphere - Physics
What are the functions of the atm...,
What light does atmosphere absorb,
What does the self purificaiton m...
45  cards
Atmosphere - Horizontal Circulation
General atmospheric circulation,
Horse latitudes,
Which way do nh winds blow depend...
34  cards
Atmosphere- Earth-Sun Dynamics
What causes seasonal variations,
What causes local variations,
Why does earth have tilt
19  cards
Atmosphere - Rotation Dynamics
What is distribution of climate a...,
What does earth tilt result in,
What are the three keplar laws
33  cards
Atmosphere - Gravitational Effects
General relativity,
What is curvature related to,
Equivalence principle
22  cards
Energy- Budget
What does the energy budget encom...,
What determines energy input output,
What causes variability in energy...
44  cards
Energy - Budget Physics
What drives atmosphere physics,
What is the equilibrium of the ea...,
What are the two fates of incomin...
43  cards
Energy- Radiation
What is the temperature of the at...,
What light is absorbed by the atm...,
How much infrared energy does ear...
31  cards
Energy - Blackbody Radiation
Maxwell equations,
Why did determinisitc physics col...,
Ultraviolet catastrophe
12  cards
Solar - Astronomical Theory
Astronomical theory,
Maunder minimunm,
What is believed to have caused t...
32  cards
Solar - Nuclear Fusion
Where does solar energy come from,
Nuclear fusion,
Sun composition
22  cards
Chemistry -Ozone Layer
What is ozone,
What is the function of ozone,
What wavelength does ozone absorb
25  cards
Chemistry - Radiometric Dating
Radiometric dating,
How is c14 produced,
Cosmic ray
28  cards
Chemistry - Ice Coring
What is the basis of using 018 fo...,
How do foraminifera measure past ...,
How can o18 be used to measure ev...
26  cards
Chemistry - Atmospheric Elements
What is the structure of carbon,
What is the chemical formula for ...
44  cards

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climate change - atmosphere

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