classics paper 1 : myth and religion

This class was created by Brainscape user Lena Janjua. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Foundation Stories : Aeneas
Who is aeneas,
Why is aeneas important,
Who protected aeneas during the war
15  cards
Foundation Stories : Theseus
Who was theseus,
Who were theseus parents,
What did aegeus do before leaving...
15  cards
Foundation Stories : Theseus As King
What did theseus establish in athens,
What did theseus do to attica,
What buildings did theseus destro...
9  cards
Foundation Stories : The Birth Of Heracles
Who were heracles parents,
What happened to alene on the sam...,
What did zeus boast and what did ...
12  cards
Foundation Stories : The Twelve Labours
What did hera do to heracles,
What did the oracle of delphi tel...,
What did king eurystheus tell her...
17  cards
Foundation Stories : Hercules And Cacus
When did this incident take place,
Who adapted the greek myth,
When did hercules meet cacus
15  cards
Foundation Stories : The Death Of Hercules
Who told theseus the story of her...,
Why did achelous and hercules fight,
What happened during the first ba...
15  cards
Foundation Stories : The Naming Of Athens
Where could the story be found sc...,
What was king cecrop s dilemma,
What did king cecrops do
12  cards
Foundation Stories : The Vestal Virgins
Who were the vestal virgins,
Where did they live,
How were they chosen
12  cards
Temples : The Temple Of Zeus
Where was the temple located,
When was the altar built,
What was the altar made of
15  cards
Temples : The Temple Of Portunus
What was portunus the god of,
Where was the temple located,
Which river was nearby
8  cards
Temples : Roman Priests
What were the main four priestly ...,
Who were the pontifices,
How many pontifices were there
15  cards
Religion And City : Roman Temples
What was a sanctuary,
What was the most important part ...
12  cards
Temples : The Pantheon
Who commissioned the pantheon,
What does pantheon mean,
Who was the pantheon dedicated to
9  cards
Religion And City : The Parthenon
Who sacked the city of athens,
What was the focal point of the n...,
Who was the first citizen of athens
20  cards
Religion And The City : Greek Sacrifice
Why did the greeks do sacrifices,
What animal would be chosen,
When was the most expensive sacri...
16  cards
Religion And The City : Roman Sacrifices
What were roman sacrifices simila...,
How important was the procedure o...,
Who led a small sacrifices
14  cards
Religion and the city : Greek temples
What was a sanctuary,
How was the sanctuary separated,
What was at the entrance of a san...
16  cards
Myth and symbols of power : The Ara Pacis
What was the ara pacis,
How is the altar decorated,
What was the altar surrounded by
15  cards
Myth And Symbols Of Power: The Prima Porta Of Augustus
Who was octavius,
What did octavius change his name to,
What is the prima porta an exampl...
15  cards
Festivals : The Great Panathenia
How often did the panathenaia tak...,
Who could take part in the panath...,
What did the panathenaia celebrate
15  cards
Festivals : The Saturnalia
Who was the festival held for,
When was the saturnalia held,
What did the saturnalia celebrate
13  cards
Festivals : The City Dionysia
What was dionysus the god of,
Why was the festival begun,
Where within athens was the festi...
15  cards
Festivals : The Lupercalia
What was the festival originally ...,
Which god did this festival honour,
What does the word lupus mean
15  cards
Journeying To The Underworld : Orpheus
Who taught orpheus how to play th...,
What power did orpheus song be sa...,
When orpheus was on his quest wit...
16  cards
Journeying To The Underworld : Homeric Hymn To Demeter
What epithets were used,
Give the themes shown in the hymn,
What happens during lines 1 to 18
12  cards

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classics paper 1 : myth and religion

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