This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Hickery. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

The causes for the American Civil War
What were the differences between...,
Why did the south support slavery...,
Why did the election of lincoln c...
3  cards
Political terms
When were confederate states present,
What is the difference between co...,
When was the emancipation proclam...
5  cards
Impact of Civil War
How many black americans were freed,
Did white supremacy continue and ...,
When did the civil war start and end
3  cards
Emancipation and Proclamation
How many freed slaves were there ...,
When were slaves freed,
What did the 13th amendment do
5  cards
Reconstruction (Johnson after Lincoln)
When was the period of reconstruc...,
What was johnsons plan,
When was the 13th amendment
11  cards
The Reality of Reconstruction
How many southern rebels were par...,
Were southern rebels allowed to r...,
Was the 13th amendment ratified
17  cards
Who were the kkk,
What were the three stages of kkk,
Who did they target
10  cards
The White League
When did they start and why,
What were their methods,
What happened between them and co...
3  cards
The Chicago Race Riot
When was it,
What happened,
What did the police do
11  cards
The Elaine Race Riot
When was this,
What happened,
What happened after
7  cards
The End of Reconstruction
Did the civil rights act do a lot,
How many black men held office in...,
Were black codes carried through ...
11  cards
Voting Rights
What was the voting rights in geo...,
What was the understanding clause...,
Where and when were literacy test...
7  cards
Jim Crow Laws
What were jim crow laws,
Where and when were they present,
Where were the areas of segregation
7  cards
Frederick Douglass
Who was he,
When was he around,
What did he do as a reformer
15  cards
Du Bois
He was the first black man to rec...,
What was he the co founder of,
What movement was he the leader of
13  cards
Marcus Garvey
Was he political,
What did he form in 1914,
Why did he stay in america
22  cards
Booker T Washington
Was he born free or a slave,
What is one of his general achiev...,
What was one of his first occupat...
11  cards
Ida B Wells
Was she born a slave,
When was she declared free,
What university did she go to
13  cards
Homer Plessy
In what year did he get arrested ...,
Was his lawsuit for the black pop...,
Did he change anything
4  cards
The 'Great Migration'
When was the great migration,
How many aa lived in north in 1900,
How many aa lived in north in 1920
16  cards
Who led the naacp,
Was it a national organisation,
What was the focus
16  cards
Oscar de Priest
When was he present,
When was he elected congress,
What did he not support aspects o...
6  cards
When was the new militancy,
How many black supporters,
What did they organize and suppor...
6  cards
Decades of disappointment
What period was this,
By what date was there no aa in c...,
Was the right for a black man to ...
17  cards

More about
civil rights

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