This class was created by Brainscape user Justin Mourits. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Sex Offences
What was held in r v harpur as it...,
What was held in r v cox in relat...,
What was held in r v cox in relat...
85  cards
Violence Offences -Wounding & Firearms Offences
What is the mens rea element of s...,
What was held r v taisalika in re...,
List the elements section and pen...
58  cards
Violence Offences -Abduction & Kidnapping
List the section elements and pen...,
What was held in r v m,
What was held in r v pryce
33  cards
Violence Offences -Robbery
List the section penalty and elem...,
What was held in dpp v smith,
Define dishonestly
37  cards
Violence Offences -Blackmail & People Trafficking
List the section punishment and e...,
List the section penalty and elem...,
Define obtain
19  cards
Violence Work Ons
What was held in r v wati,
What was held in r v cox in relat...,
What are the five phases of black...
17  cards
Search & Surveillance
What does s112 allow you to do,
What acronym should be used when ...,
What does s127 allow you to do
103  cards
Drugs Module
What must evidential transcripts ...,
What is wilful blindness in relat...,
What does s29 moda say about prov...
121  cards
Drugs Case Law
Saxton v police,
R v hancox,
R v strawbridge
9  cards
Arson Liabilities
Arson danger to lifelist the sect...,
Arson vehicle immovable property ...,
Arson cause loss obtain benefit l...
36  cards
Arson Investigations
What powers does s28 of the fire ...,
What does s32 2 of the fire servi...,
In what circumstances will a spec...
54  cards
1  cards

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Looking for something else?

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  • 6 decks
  • 275 flashcards
  • 1 learners
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CIB 008 - Deception
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  • 126 flashcards
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Decks: Dishonestly Takes Or Obtains A Document, Dishonestly Uses Or Attempts To Use A Do, Obtains By Deception Property, And more!
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