This class was created by Brainscape user Ling Gao. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Attachment (Bowlby)
Why is attachment beneficial,
What is an example of a social re...,
How long is the critical period i...
15  cards
Ainsworth s aim,
Ainsworth s sample,
Ainsworth s method
18  cards
Child Practical
What is the aim of your child pra...,
What is the sample of your child ...,
What is the questions did you use...
13  cards
Child Key Question
What is the child key question,
Why do parents send their childre...,
What can day care consist of
22  cards
Autism Characteristics
What is autism classified as,
What of those with autism are male,
What is autism on
9  cards
Biological Explanation for Autism (Extreme Male Brain)
How is autism caused according to...,
What does the biological explanat...,
Features of more masculinised bra...
20  cards
What is privation,
Did curtiss find that genie s pri...,
What aspects of genie did curtiss...
16  cards
What is article 3,
What is a,
What is article 16
4  cards
Contemporary Study for Child (Li)
What is the aim of the contempora...,
What is the sample of the contemp...,
What is the procedure of the cont...
3  cards
ABA Therapy
0  cards
What is deprivation,
What are the two types of depriva...,
What are the causes of short term...
14  cards
Cross-Cultural Research
What is cross cultural research,
What does cross cultural research...,
Why do we do cross cultural research
3  cards
Cross-Cultural Research into Attachment
What of children were insecure re...,
What of children were anxious avo...,
What attachment was common in all...
8  cards
Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenburg
What is the aim of van ijzendoorn...,
What is the sample of van ijzendo...,
What is the procedure of van ijze...
12  cards
What is the aim of li,
What is the sample of li
2  cards
Non-Biological Explanation for Autism (Theory of Mind)
What does,
What does the non biological expl...,
According to the non biological e...
15  cards
Day Care
What is day care,
What can day care consist of,
Who enforces rules and regulation...
12  cards

More about
child psychology

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