chemistry - topic 02: chemical bonding and structure

This class was created by Brainscape user Deleted Deleted. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

2.11 - Metallic Bonding
What are the general properties o...,
What type of ionisation energy do...,
How many electrons do metals gene...
14  cards
2.12 - Ionic Bonding
What is ionic bonding confined to,
What is ionic bonding,
What exists between the ions
18  cards
2.13 - Covalent Bonding
How is a covalent bond formed,
What is a covalent bond,
What is a sigma bond
10  cards
2.14 - Electronegativity and Bond Polarity
What is electronegativity,
What is the most electronegative ...,
What is the trend in electronegat...
10  cards
2.21 - Bonding in Discrete Molecules
What is a discrete molecule,
What term is interchangeable with...,
How can covalent and polar covale...
7  cards
2.22 - Dative Covalent Bonds
How is a dative covalent bond formed,
In english what is a dative coval...,
How is it represented
6  cards
2.23 - Shapes of Molecules and Ions
What does electron pair repulsion...,
How do the electron pairs arrange...,
What is the trend in repulsive st...
20  cards
2.24 - Non-Polar and Polar Molecules
What is a dipole,
What causes charge to become sepa...,
What does the overall dipole of a...
10  cards
2.25 - Intermolecular Interactions
Finish the sentence a number of i...,
What is the most common type of i...,
What are london forces
15  cards
2.26 - Intermolecular Interactions and Physical Properties
What is the trend in boiling poin...,
What are the only type of intermo...,
Why does boiling point increase w...
14  cards
2.31 - Solid Lattices
What are the 4 types of solid lat...,
What are metallic lattices compos...,
What are the typical properties o...
22  cards
2.32 - Structures and Properties
What three types of structure can...,
What types of structure have inte...,
What types of structure can condu...
6  cards

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chemistry - topic 02: chemical bonding and structure

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