This class was created by Brainscape user rafaela thomas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

acids bases and salts
What are acids,
What are bases,
Do alkalis dissolve in water
57  cards
equilibria, rate of reaction
What is exothermic reaction,
What is endothermic reaction,
Enthalpy change in endo and exo r...
41  cards
principles of chemistry
What are the properties of solids,
What are the properties of liquids,
What are the properties of gas
42  cards
atomic structure and periodic table
What is the structure of an atom,
How many electrons can each shell...,
What are the charges and masses o...
24  cards
metals and the reactivity series
Describe reaction of metals with ...,
Sulfuric acid symbol salthydrochl...,
What is the test for hydrogen
25  cards
ionic and covalent bonding
What is the difference between ca...,
What is an ion,
Relationship between group number...
17  cards
metals and metal extraction
Why can metals conduct electricit...,
Why do metals have high boiling o...,
Why are metals malleable
26  cards
What is the difference between em...,
What is meant by relative atomic ...,
What is meant by relative molecul...
19  cards
organic chemistry 1
What are the fossil fuels,
What is the main constituent of n...,
What are hydrocarbons
38  cards
air quality, climate and water
What is the composition of clean ...,
Name some air pollutants,
Where does carbon dioxide come from
23  cards
chemical tests
What is the test to identify anio...,
What is the test to identify anio...,
What is the test to identify anio...
27  cards
Define electrolysis,
What is the anode,
What is the cathode
12  cards
Define electrolysis,
Define electrodes,
36  cards
organic chemistry 2
Homologous series,
Functional group,
What are alchols functional group
74  cards
harder questions
Give two reasons why the electrol...,
What is meant by term amphoteric,
What is the substance that reacts...
83  cards
paper 6
Suggest why an excess of sodium s...,
Suggest why the mixture in the be...,
Explain why the temperature chang...
5  cards

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chemistry igcse draft

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