chemistry hl ib 2020-22

This class was created by Brainscape user Enya Rastogi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

1. Stoichiometric Relationships
What is kinetic energy,
Solid liquid gas arrangement,
Solid liquid gas intermolecular f...
57  cards
2.1 The Nuclear Atom
What does the nucleus consist of,
Charge of protons electrons neutrons
16  cards
2.2 Electrons in atoms
What does n stand for,
What are energy levels split into,
What does 2s mean
35  cards
3.1 The Periodic Table
How are elements arranged in the ...,
What do you call the columns and ...
19  cards
3.2 Periodic trends
What is a covalent radius,
Does atomic radius decrease or in...,
Does atomic radius increase or de...
76  cards
4.1 Ionic Bonding And Structure
Ionic bond,
What type of elements can an ioni...,
Where are the electrons transferr...
28  cards
4.2 Covalent bonding
When does covalent bonding occur,
Covalent bond,
Why are covalent bonds often requ...
18  cards
4.3 Covalent structures
Octet rule,
What are exceptions to octet rule,
Incomplete octet
51  cards
4.4 Intermolecular forces
What are intermolecular forces re...,
What are van der waals forces mad...,
Are london dispersion forces strong
21  cards
4.5 Metallic bonding
Why are metals good conductors of...,
How are metal ions arranged,
Metallic bond
25  cards
5.1 Measuring energy changes
2nd law of thermodynamics,
Thermal equilibrium
26  cards
5.2-5.3 Hess' Law + Bond enthalpies
Hess law,
What is hess law used for,
What does enthalpy of formation v...
18  cards
12. Atomic Structure (HL)
Ionization energy,
Unit for ionization energy,
What is plancks constant
19  cards
13.1 Transition metals (HL)
Valency charge and oxidation stat...,
Transition element,
Why is scandium considered a tran...
37  cards
13.2 Coloured complexes (HL)
What happens when light passes th...,
If a compound emits blue what wav...,
How does the colour wheel help
13  cards
14.1 Further aspects of covalent bonding (HL)
Sigma bonds,
Which covalent bonds have sigma b...,
Electron density in a sigma bond
64  cards
14.2 Hybridization (HL)
Why does hybridization allow bett...,
What features do hybrid orbitals ...
18  cards
15.1 Energy cycles (HL)
Lattice enthalpy,
Is lattice enthalpy positive or n...,
Opposite of lattice enthalpy
24  cards
15.2 Entropy and spontaneity (HL)
What does greater entropy imply,
Spontaneous process
35  cards

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chemistry hl ib 2020-22

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