Charis & Ellie vs GI

This class was created by Brainscape user Charis Gibson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (120)

Recurrent Aphthous Ulcers
What are recurrent aphthous ulcers,
Who gets recurrent aphthous ulcers,
How are recurrent aphthous ulcers...
6  cards
Oral Carcinoma
What is oral carcinoma,
Who gets oral carcinoma,
How does oral carcinoma present
5  cards
Oral Candidasis
What is oral candidasis,
Who gets oral candidasis,
How does candidasis present
6  cards
Acute Oesophagitis
What is acute oesophagitis,
Who gets it
2  cards
Chronic Oesophagitis due to Reflux Disease
What is it,
How does it present,
What are the complications side e...
4  cards
Barrett's Oesophagus
What is barretts oesophagus,
Why does the metaplasia occur,
Who gets barretts oesophagus
7  cards
Allergic oesphagitis
What is allergic oesophagitis,
Who gets it,
How does it present
5  cards
Oesophageal Benign Tumours & Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Types of benign oesophageal tumours,
What is a malignant oesophageal t...,
Who gets malignant
7  cards
Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma
Who gets it,
How does it present,
How is adenocarcinoma diagnosed
4  cards
What is it,
Who gets gord,
How does gord present
20  cards
Non-erosive reflux disease
What is it,
Who gets non erosive reflux disease,
How does it present
6  cards
Hiatus Hernia
What is a hiatus hernia,
How does a hiatus hernia present,
What is a sliding hiatus hernia
8  cards
What is gastroperesis,
Who gets it causes,
How does gastroparesis present
5  cards
Functional dyspepsia
What is it,
Who gets it,
How does it present
7  cards
What is it,
Who gets it,
How does it present
6  cards
Oesophageal Diverticulum
What is it,
What us a diverticula,
How does it present
6  cards
What is gastritis,
What is acute gastritis,
Who gets acute gastritis
14  cards
Mallory Weiss Tear
What is it,
Investigations for mallory weiss ...
4  cards
What is gastropathy,
Who gets it
2  cards
Helicobacter Pylori Infection
What is h pylori,
Where is h pylori found,
How is h pylori protected
10  cards
Peptic Ulcer Disease
What is peptic ulcer disease,
What can peptic ulcers be confuse...,
Where are gastric ulcers most com...
16  cards
Effect of nsaids,
How many forms of cyclo oxygenase,
What way should the risk of ulcer...
4  cards
Benign Gastric Tumours
Another term for benign gastric t...,
How many types of polyps,
Name the 4 types of polyps
12  cards
Malignant Gastric Tumours
Types of tumour,
Journey to adenocarcinoma,
Describe the intestinal type of a...
27  cards
Small Intestine Miscellaneous
Common symptoms of si disorder,
What would bruising indicate,
What would tetany indicate
14  cards
Acute Abdomen
How does it present,
Associated symptoms of acute abdo...,
How is an acute abdomen diagnosed
5  cards
Ischemia of the Small Bowel
2 types of ischemia of small bowel,
What is mesenteric arterial occlu...,
What causes mao
12  cards
Meckel's Diverticulum
What is it,
Who gets meckels diverticulum,
How does it present
5  cards
Tumours of the Small Bowel
Primary tumours of the si are rar...,
Where do secondary si tumours usu...,
3 types of primary tumour in si
31  cards
What is appendicitis,
Appendix pathology,
Who gets appendicitis
9  cards
Coeliac Disease (yeet)
What is coeliac disease,
What is gliadin and what does it do,
What is the result of gliadin tri...
20  cards
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
What is it,
Complications of coeliac
4  cards
Non-coeliac gluten intolerance
What is it,
How does it present,
How is it diagnosed
3  cards
Tropical Sprue
What is tropical sprue,
Who gets tropical sprue,
How does tropical sprue present
7  cards
Bacterial Overgrowth
Which type of breathing bacteria ...,
What do normal gut bacteria do,
Which part of the gut is sterile
7  cards
Small Bowel Obstruction
What is it,
How does it present,
How is sb obstruction diagnosed
8  cards
Intestinal Failure
What is it,
What can if be a result of,
How is it diagnosed
10  cards
Bowel Resections
What is a si resection,
Tip for si resection,
Clinical implications of ileal re...
7  cards
Short Bowel Syndrome
Explain how short bowel syndrome ...,
Which treatment for this is showi...,
What is the major problem with sh...
6  cards
Whipple's Disease
What is whipples disease,
Who gets it,
How does it present
7  cards
Radiation Enteritis
What is it,
Who gets it,
How does it present at the time o...
8  cards
Parasite Infection
Symptoms of giardia intestinalis,
Appearance of giardia intestinalis,
Tests for giardia intestinalis
5  cards
Protein Losing enteropathy
What is protein losing enteropathy,
What doe protein losing enteropat...,
Who gets it
6  cards
TB affecting the Intestine
What is intestinal tb,
Who gets it,
How does intestinal tb present
11  cards
Where does amyloidosis affect,
How does amyloidosis present,
Diagnosis of amyloidosis
3  cards
Eosinophillic Gastroenteritis
What is it,
What conditions are associated wi...,
Who gets eosinophilic gastroenter...
6  cards
Intestinal Lymphangiectasia
What is it,
How does it present,
How is it diagnosed
4  cards
Small bowel Genetic Disorders
What is abetalipoproteinaemia,
How does abetalipoproteinaemia pr...,
What helps prevent mental neuro a...
7  cards
Acute peritonitis
What is it,
When is acute peritonitis present,
How does it present
5  cards
Nausea and Vomiting
What is nausea,
How does nausea present,
What is retching
28  cards
Abdominal Pain
What is abdominal pain,
Visceral pain caused by,
Visceral pain in foregut means yo...
13  cards
Acute Upper Intestinal GI Bleeding
How does ugi bleed present,
Indications for bleeding risk
17  cards
Acute Lower GI Bleeding
What causes massive bleeding,
What causes small bleeding,
Diagnosis of acute lower gi bleeding
4  cards
Acute Variceal Bleeding
What are varices and what are the...,
What causes varices,
When varices rupture factor which...
7  cards
Chronic GI bleed
How does a chronic gi bleed present,
What cause chronic gi bleed,
How is chronic gi bleed diagnosed
4  cards
Examples of non neoplastic polyps,
Where are hyperplastic polyps,
What are hyperplastic polyps
10  cards
Conventional Colorectal Carcinoma
How common is colorectal cancer,
What is it,
Where do its mets go
9  cards
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (FAP)
What is it,
Who gets fap,
How is fap treated
3  cards
Lynch Syndrome
What is lynch,
How does lynch syndrome present,
Diagnosis of lynch
3  cards
Diverticular Disease
What is diverticulosis,
What is diverticulitis,
What can severe diverticulitis le...
13  cards
What is it,
Complications of intussception
2  cards
What is volvulous,
How is a volvulous treated,
What is a sigmoid volvulous
5  cards
Bowel Ischaemia
What can bowel ischaemia be cause...,
First tissue normally lost
2  cards
Ischemic Colitis
What is it caused by,
Who gets it,
How does ischemic colitis present
5  cards
Colonic Angiodysplasia
What is it,
3  cards
Large Bowel Obstruction
Can be caused by,
7  cards
Chronic Constipation
What is constipation,
Who gets it,
5  cards
Clostridium Difficile Infection
What is it,
Who gets it,
What is toxin a
10  cards
What is gastroenteritis caused by,
Incubation period of salmonella,
How can salmonella be transmitted
37  cards
Haemolytic Ureamic Syndrome (HUS)
What is this,
Who gets it,
4  cards
Acute Traveller's Diarrhoea
What is acute travellers diarrhoea,
How is it diagnosed,
How is it treated
3  cards
Enteric Fever
What is it,
What is it caused by,
Who gets enteric fever
7  cards
What is it,
How does it present,
Diagnosed by
4  cards
Helminth Infections
What is it,
Most common helminth,
Who gets round worms
6  cards
Haemorrhoids yeet
What are heamorrhoids,
How do they present,
How are they diagnosed
4  cards
Psychiatry and GI
Psychological factors associated ...,
What is globus,
Management of globus
10  cards
What is ibs,
What causes ibs,
Who gets it
11  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Two types of extra intestinal man...,
Describe type 1 of extra intestin...,
Describe type 2 of extra intestin...
51  cards
Colitis of undetermined etiology (CUTE)
What is it,
Testing for cute
2  cards
STIs and GI
How are stis transmitted,
Who most commonly gets stis,
Who gets rectal gonnhoroea
21  cards
Liver Miscellaneous
What is the child pugh classifica...,
What is alcohol metabolized to,
Pain management for liver disease
15  cards
Jaundice and Fever and Travelling or Tropical Exposure
Investigations for jaundice fever...,
Management and treatment
2  cards
What is cirrhosis,
What does liver shrinkage and fib...,
Result of reduced metabolism of l...
13  cards
Portal Hypertension
What is portal hypertension,
Possible causes of pht,
How does portal hypertension present
5  cards
Chronic Liver Disease yeet
What is chronic liver disease,
Causes of chronic liver disease,
What is wilsons disease treatment
6  cards
Alcoholic Liver Disease
What is alcoholic liver disease,
Who gets it,
How does alcoholic liver disease ...
7  cards
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
What is nafld,
Who gets nafld,
Presentation of nafld
7  cards
Viral Hepattis
What is viral hepatitis,
Management of acute viral hepatitis,
Management of chronic viral hepat...
3  cards
Hepatitis A
Who gets hep a,
How does hepatitis a spread,
How does hep a present
7  cards
Hepatitis B
Who gets hep b,
How does hep b present,
How is hep b diagnosed
9  cards
Hepatitis C
Who gets hep c,
How is hep c diagnosed,
How is hep c treated
6  cards
Hepatitis D
What is hep d,
How does hepatitis d present,
What type of virus
3  cards
Hepatitis E
Who gets hep e,
What type of virus
2  cards
Primary Biliary Cholangitis
What is primary biliary cholangitis,
What is pbc thought to be mediate...,
Who gets pbc
10  cards
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Type 1 autoimmune hepatitis affec...,
Type 2 autoimmune hepatitis affec...,
What is type 1 ai hep associated ...
9  cards
Primary Biliary Cholangitis yeet
What is pbc,
Who gets pbc,
Presentation of pbc
5  cards
What is haemochromatosis,
How does it present,
How is haemochromatosis treated
3  cards
What is haemangioma,
Who gets haemangioma,
How does it present
5  cards
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
What is fnh,
How does fnh present,
How is it diagnosed
4  cards
Hepatic Adenoma
What is hepatic adenoma,
W ho gets hepatic adenoma,
5  cards
Cystic Lesions
What are they,
Different type of cysts,
3 types of polycystic liver disease
9  cards
Malignant Liver Lesions
What is hepatocellular carcinoma,
Who gets hepatocellular carcinoma,
Presentation of hepatocellular ca...
18  cards
What is it,
What process makes gallstones pos...,
Who gets gallstones
10  cards
Hepatic Encephalopathy
What is it,
Presentation of hepatic encephalo...,
3  cards
What is pancreatitis,
Possible cause,
3 possible outcomes of pancreatic...
10  cards
Pancreatic Pseudocysts
What are they,
Presentation of pancreatic pseudo...,
Management of pancreatic pseudocysts
3  cards
Chronic Pnacreatitis
What is it,
Who gets it,
6  cards
Pancreatic Tumours
Type of exocrine carcinoma,
Endocrine carcinomas,
Who gets it
8  cards
Types of endoscope,
Use of endoscopes,
Potential complications of using ...
3  cards
What is enteral tube feeding,
When is ent given,
Dont give ent when
6  cards
Classification of hernias,
Presentation of hernias,
Assessment of inguinal hernia
14  cards
Anal Fissure yeet
What are they,
Cause of anal fissures,
6  cards
Anal Abscess and Fistula
Caused by,
Presentation of abscess,
Management of abscess
8  cards
Differentials for acute abdomen
Diffuse abdominal pain dd,
Right or left upper quadrant pain dd,
Left upper quadrant pain
13  cards
Liver Function Tests
Where is ast found,
Increase in ast alt is suggestive of,
Alt is found
11  cards
What is the breakdown product of ...,
What is unconjugated bilirubin,
What conjugates unconjugated bili...
13  cards
Wilson's Disease
What is it,
Caused by,
Present with
8  cards
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
What is it,
2 main organs are affected leadin...
5  cards
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
What is it,
7  cards
Primary Biliary Cholngitis
What is it,
Cholangitis is,
Established association with
7  cards

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Charis & Ellie vs GI

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